Parent Walk - In Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly. -Henry Ward Beecher On August 29th, Grade II students delighted their audience during the annual ‘Parent Walk-In,’ where roles were reversed—students became educators, and parents took on the role of eager pupils. This immersive event seamlessly integrated various subjects under the unifying theme of ‘Plants.’ The day began with a captivating musical performance, as the children, performing in a harmonious choir, set a vibrant tone for the event. Following this, parents were drawn into the wonders of science at the STEM station, where a fascinating experiment kept them engaged. The highlight of the day was an exhibition focused on ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Problem Solving,’ embodying the project-based learning model. Here, students crafted models inspired by stories of their choice, identifying central problems faced by characters and ingeniously devising solutions. This creative and systematic approach guided them through the stages of Discovery, Ideation, Experimentation, and Evolution as they sought innovative solutions to intricate challenges. The second graders showcased their creativity and critical thinking in examining the stories and defining the issues faced by the characters. Through this role-reversal experience, students shared their knowledge with parents, transforming learning into a joyous and interactive experience. During the English class, our young Suncitizens taught ‘Action Words’ with a unique twist, incorporating the theme of ‘Seed Germination,’ while classic games like ‘Simon Says’ and ‘Pictionary’ added to the fun. In the EVS segment, students explored the multifaceted uses of plants, leading a bookmark-making activity. This was followed by a lively dance performance to the ‘Plants’ song, where parents enthusiastically joined in. The Math lesson introduced the RUCSAC method through a captivating story, and in Hindi, parents tested their understanding of ‘Sangya Shabd’ during a challenging ‘Spin the Wheel’ puzzle activity. The students displayed remarkable presentation skills and fluent communication, highlighting not only their academic progress but also fostering a deeper connection between home and school learning. This memorable day showcased the harmonious blend of education and creativity, leaving a lasting impression on all who participated. The event concluded with applause and appreciation from the parents, which was further echoed in the positive feedback they shared after the programme. English Literature: Students wrapped up a unit on 'A Book Cover' with a strong emphasis on reading. They explored 'Amazing Words' and comprehension, which they practiced in their notebooks. Grade II students took part in hands-on learning by designing their own book covers, incorporating the information they had learned in the unit. They even added titles and publisher names, allowing them to step into the role of authors. Grammar: The focus in grammar was on 'Adjectives,' with students using them to construct meaningful sentences. They particularly enjoyed an activity called 'Describing a cat,' where they brainstormed words to describe a cat and gave it a name, effectively integrating visual-spatial skills. The concept of 'Comparison of Adjectives' was introduced through the comparison of real objects within the classroom. To reinforce prior learning, students also revisited previous grammar concepts such as 'Naming Words' and 'Articles,' ensuring a solid understanding of these foundational topics. Reading Skills: A Treasure of Tales In Unit 1, titled 'Digging for Treasure,' the focus was on enhancing reading skills and fostering a love for reading among students. The integration of various subjects and practical applications provided students with a well-rounded and enriching educational experience. Links- Hindi इस मास का आरंभ आने वाले त्योहारों पर चर्चा करते हुए किया गया l भाई बहन के अनोखे प्यार के प्रतीक रक्षा बंधन के त्योहार पर चर्चा की गई l पाठ –‘राखी का त्योहार' के माध्यम से रक्षा बंधन के पावन पर्व के विषय में चर्चा की गई, इस बारे में वीडियो द्वारा जानकारी भी दी गई |पाठ का पठन कराया गया व छात्रों से बीच -बीच में मौखिक प्रश्न पूछे गए जिससे छात्रों में पाठ की समझ का निर्माण हुआ l पाठ का अभ्यास कार्य कराते हुए छात्रों को राखी कार्ड व धन्यवाद वाला राखी कार्ड बनवाया गया जिससे छात्रों में अपनी भावनाओं को मूर्त रूप देने की कला का विकास भी हुआ l इस गतिविधि के द्वारा भाई बहन के बीच अटूट स्नेह की प्रबल भावना का विकास हुआ l सच्चे मित्र के गुण क्या होते हैं और हम किसे सच्चा मित्र कह सकते हैं इसके विषय में चर्चा की गई व विश्व प्रसिद्ध मित्र जोड़ी कृष्ण- सुदामा की विडिओ दिखाई गईl तत्पश्चात 'पाठ – ‘कृष्ण सुदामा’ का पठन कराया गया l भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से संबंधित दही हांडी (माखन मटकी) बनाकर व सजाकर त्योहार का आनंद ले सकें व उनमें त्योहारों के प्रति सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण का विकास हो l पाठ का पठन करते हुए अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया l छात्रों ने पेरेंट वॉक इन के अंतर्गत संज्ञा विषय को पहेली और कविता के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया । सभी छात्रों ने बहुत ही शानदार प्रस्तुति दी । सर्वनाम का पुस्तकीय अभ्यास व कार्य पुस्तिका में भी करवाया गया । छात्रों ने संज्ञा की पुनरावृति के अंतर्गत जंगल की सैर नामक कविता सिखाते हुए पहेली व वर्ड वाल गतिवधि करवाई गई । EVS The month kicked off with an engaging storytelling video about plants and their importance, setting the stage for a month-long exploration of the theme. Students were introduced to the different parts of plants and their specific functions through a fun group activity where they matched plant parts with their roles. Next, the students learned about the types of plants by observing various plant images and participating in a sorting activity, which helped them understand the differences and importance of each type. The concept of 'Photosynthesis' was then introduced, deepening their understanding of how plants make food and introducing terms like “Stomata” and “Chlorophyll.” To highlight the uses of plants, a collaborative classroom activity was conducted where students helped create a list on the board, categorizing different plant-based items. The concept of plant conservation was introduced through a story, teaching students about protecting plants and reducing threats. Links: - Math Students were engaged in solving Mental Math questions by unravelling the way numbers work at a deeper level.They developed number-sense and fluency with operations. Students practiced, breaking down numbers into hundreds ,tens and ones, using a variety of manipulatives, and math games to develop area in Mathematics. Subtraction related keywords were discussed. Students shared tricks to solve subtraction problems mentally. This month was full of new ideas and building confidence among children where they understood regrouping using different methods. Taking learning further to an experiential mode , parent walk-in exhibition was organised where the little educators taught RUCSAC method to solve word problems, Shin Program and Mental Math to their parents beautifully. ICT The students explored how computers work by learning about the Input-Process-Output Cycle through real-life examples like a washing machine and a pencil sharpener. They also had fun playing keyboard games in GCompris, where they practiced typing letters that fell from the sky. Physical Education Under the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: One leg balancing while skating and how to stop. Learning roll ball and how to dribble the ball, handling the ball and shooting practice. Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick. Students practiced standing bridge, handstandbridge, kartwheel on the balancing beam and free hand jump. Judo: Osotogari (Technique for throw) Ukemis all fall, Ayumi ashi (Standing walking). Locomotor Skills: Jumping jacks, Criss cross, Side ways running, back running. Locomotor activities- Rolling the ball to the target after sideways running, Build a fort game in relay and Changing activities by changing the colored cones. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Racket and shuttle juggling), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of racket with forward position), wall practice with racket and shuttle. Manipulation skills: Ball bouncing, Ball catching and Ball dribbling. Leading skills activity like kicking,dribbling basketball. Ball catching and throwing with partners. Indian Music अगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, वाद्य परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से गीत - झण्डा गीत वाद्य गीत,तोता गीत संगीत ४ आल: वेलकम गीत,ग्रीटिंग गीत , सरे गामा बॉडी गेम,बाय - बाय गीत, प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक अगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट । संगीत ४ आल: राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भीमपलासी एवं राग भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश, प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक । पेरन्ट वाक इन कार्यक्रम मे चयनित छात्र छात्रों ने राग भेमप्लासी की बंदिश ताल कहरवा का प्रदर्शन किया गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक: वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय Western Music Song: "You Are My Sunshine" Our students joyfully learned to play "You Are My Sunshine" using a 4/4 strumming pattern on the guitar. Here's the pattern they practiced: 1st Beat: Downstroke - strong and steady 2nd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer After 2nd Beat: Upstroke - quick and light 3rd Beat: Upstroke - light and quick After 3rd Beat: Downstroke - slightly softer Upstroke: Strong and steady The instruments used for this song were the guitar, drum pad, and piano. The students enjoyed playing this happy tune and exploring different rhythms! Indian Dance In Indian Dance classes students learnt about " Onam Festival" through dance. They understood the significance of agriculture and harvest. They mastered the steps based on folk dance with counts of 4 and 8. Steps shows the movement of crops and its harvest. Gradually they understood the lyrical pattern based on beats. Overall the dance is all about socio cultural celebration of "Onam Festival" . Song : Onam Aaya ,Onam Aaya Western Dance In their Western Dance lessons with Ms. Jessica, the students learned the following: 1. The basic steps and movements of South Indian Dance and understanding the parts of a plant through dance movements. 2. The cultural significance of South Indian Dance. 3. The importance and the reason of celebrating Onam Festival and why it's integrated with plants. 4. The basic steps and hand movements introducing parts of a plant through the theme "Dancing through the green". 5. To count the steps-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Also learnt that every time they reach 8, they go back to 1 and start counting again. 6. Warm up exercises focusing on flexibility and agility. 7. Cool down movements- relaxing stretches. Dance style: South Indian Dance Song: Drama In our recent drama sessions, our young performers from grades 1 and 2 have embarked on an exciting journey of storytelling and creative expression. These activities not only foster imagination but also build essential skills like sequencing and spatial awareness. Story Sequencing: Connecting the Dots in Our Tales Activity 1: - One of the core elements of our drama curriculum is the ability to understand and create a well-structured story. Story sequencing is a fundamental skill that helps students comprehend the beginning, middle, and end of a narrative. Activity 2: - During our sessions, the students were introduced to simple stories where they had to arrange the events in the correct order. This exercise encouraged them to think critically about what makes a story coherent and engaging. To make this activity more dynamic, we incorporated role-play. Each student took turns acting out different parts of the story. By physically engaging with the story, they could better grasp the sequence of events and understand how each part connects to the next. Mapping India with Our Bodies: A Dramatic Exploration Activity 3: - In another thrilling activity, our students learned to express the shape of India through body gestures and movement. This exercise was not only about understanding geography but also about using the body as a tool for artistic expression. The children were divided into groups, and each group was tasked with forming different regions of India using their bodies. This activity required teamwork, spatial awareness, and a deep understanding of the country's geography. As the students worked together to form the map, they also explored the diverse cultural and physical landscapes of India. By embodying the map, they could connect more personally with the concept of our nation, making the learning experience both physical and emotional. Dramatic Understanding: Beyond the Script Both activities were designed to enhance our students' dramatic understanding. Through story sequencing, they learned the importance of structure in storytelling, while the body mapping exercise taught them how to use their bodies creatively to convey complex ideas. These skills are essential not only in drama but in many areas of life, helping students develop a deeper sense of empathy, collaboration, and expression. Visual Art Grade I and II, Students explored the topic of plants with flower they created different types of flowers in it and instructed to use oil pastels for their artwork. The activity was done with the help of a demonstration, showing how to blend colors, create texture, and add depth to depict different parts of the plant. This exercise helped students explore color mixing, shading, and the use of oil pastels for vibrant, textured plant illustrations. Life Skills
In our life skills session, explored the topic of friendship. We talked about what friendship means and how to recognize a good friend. The children learned that a good friendship is full of kindness, sharing, and caring, while a bad friendship might make them feel sad or uncomfortable. We also discussed the importance of being kind and empathetic to everyone around us.
Assemblies "Learning isn't just about memorizing facts; it's about weaving different ideas from various subjects into a beautiful and connected story of understanding." The students of Class II D presented a wonderful assembly on the theme "Culmination of Subject Integration Week," focusing on SDG 15 - Life on Land. The Subject Integration Week, held from 15th to 19th July, brought together subjects like Language, EVS, ICT, and Visual Arts to enhance the students' understanding of the world around them. The presentation began with a prayer and news updates, followed by an engaging skit that provided informative insights into various types of animals, the food chain, and the importance of animal conservation. The little wonders amazed everyone with their presentation skills. The assembly concluded with wise words from the Principal, Ms. Jayshree Patel, followed by the School Anthem and the National Anthem. Grade II E assembly on the topic of addition was a fun event, full of exciting activities and informative presentations. The students introduced important addition words like 'sum,' 'total,' 'add,' 'plus,' and 'equals,' making sure everyone understood these key terms. They then shared basic rules of addition, such as how numbers can be added in any order, and how the way we group numbers doesn't change their sum. The assembly also featured a lovely addition poem to help remember these ideas. This assembly not only helped the students understand addition better but also made learning math a fun and enjoyable experience. Subject Integration Week ‘When subjects are integrated, learning becomes more relevant, more meaningful and more lasting.’ In the month of July, our students of Grades II embarked on an exciting journey during the ‘Subject Integration Week’, where Language, Art, ICT, and EVS converged around the theme ‘Animals and SDG 15: Life on Land.’ During the ‘Subject Integration Week’, Grade 1 students engaged in an array of activities. They enjoyed creating their ‘Favourite Animal Cartoon Character’, crafting adorable ladybugs, participating in the interactive ‘Spin the Wheel’ game, immersing themselves in captivating ‘Storytelling Sessions’, and playing the educational ‘Word Wall’ game. Grade II students were equally engaged in a variety of creative endeavours. They crafted incredible ‘Origami Wolves’, participated in ‘Show and Tell’ sessions, explored their artistic talents using ‘Tux Paint’, crafted nests as part of their EVS sessions, and spun the wheel in an interactive online game. The highlight of the week was the movie outing, where students watched the movie, 'Appu' which emphasized upon the importance of wildlife conservation. This perfectly aligned with the 'Trip' aspect of our TASK (Trip, Application, Skill, Knowledge) methodology. This engaging film took students on an immersive journey, deepening their understanding of elephant conservation, fostering practical connections, developing crucial skills, and strengthening their knowledge of the subject. The week concluded with a ‘Special Assembly’ presented by Grade II D. It featured a short skit and presentations about wildlife conservation and ended with a fun quiz activity. Principal Ma’am praised the students for their creativity and effort, highlighting our school's commitment to holistic learning. Movie Outing ‘Field Trips offer an excellent bridge between the work of the school and the work of the world outside.’ On July 18th, the students of Grades II went for an exciting educational outing to watch the movie ‘Appu’ at Cinepolis, Esplanade Mall. This engaging experience was planned to align with our monthly theme ‘Animals’ and SDG 15 – ‘Life on Land’, teaching valuable lessons about the importance of animals in our ecosystem and the struggles they face. The students enjoyed a fun-filled morning, developing essential skills in communication, teamwork, and environmental awareness while indulging in popcorn and juice. The movie outing provided a unique opportunity for the young learners to connect with their peers, foster new friendships, and create lasting memories. We are proud to provide our students with experiential learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom and prepare them to become compassionate and responsible global citizens. English Literature Students of Grade II had an engaging and productive time during their unit on 'Little Red Riding Hood' and their exploration of grammar concepts. In the unit related to 'Little Red Riding Hood', the students focused on reading, comprehension, glossary, and writing skills. The medium of storytelling was used to help students understand different story elements – the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Additionally, they learned to write one of the elements of the story by themselves. Through a 'Design Thinking' task, the students were encouraged to think innovatively and design solutions to help the main character, Little Red Riding Hood, solve her problem. The students came up with creative ideas like a mud house for Little Red Riding Hood. For the story 'The Thirsty Crow', they used a recycled pot and pebbles, and for the story of 'Rapunzel', they depicted her long hair with wool and stairs made from cardboard. They even put their ideas into action by creating the first draft of their designs. Grammar Homophones can be a tricky concept for students to grasp, as they involve words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. The interactive nature of the lessons made the learning experience enjoyable and memorable. Students were introduced to tips and tricks for adding endings such as -ing, -er, and -ed to words, which helped them improve their understanding of grammar rules. Adjectives were introduced and formation of simple sentences was encouraged. Additionally, a recap of articles was conducted by having students pick up objects and identify them. This kinaesthetic approach can enhance memory and understanding. Linking the object identification to selecting the appropriate article for the word is a clever way to review articles while connecting it to real-life objects. This activity encourages critical thinking and reinforces the correct use of articles in sentences. Overall, the students had an enriching and enjoyable learning experience, incorporating storytelling, creativity, and hands-on activities to enhance their reading, comprehension, writing, and grammar skills. EVS This month began with a game of hopscotch to welcome the students back! A recap of what was learnt before the vacation came next. After that, the students explored their new theme, 'Animals Around Us', where they learnt about different kinds of animals, where they live, and what they eat. A fun 'Show and Tell' activity allowed students to bring in props and share interesting facts about their favorite animals and their habitats. They even made bird nests as part of their learning! As the month went on, the students discovered more about animals, like how they adapt, move, and what the food chain is. They also learned about endangered and extinct species. The month ended with a poster-making activity on saving animals and a written revision to review the conceptual learning of the students. Link: Math During the month, students explored 2- and 3-digit addition through a variety of engaging activities. They developed number sense and fluency with operations by breaking down numbers into hundreds , tens and ones using an assortment of manipulatives. Students represented addition in different ways: concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. It was remarkable to see their progress in solving word problems. To enhance their understanding, children were introduced to mental math strategies, which allowed them to visualize and grasp the context of the problems. Additionally, students learnt to apply the RUCSAC method (Read, Understand, Choose, Solve, Answer, Check) for solving word problems. This structured approach helped them navigate through the steps of problem-solving efficiently. They also visited the Math Lab, where they used number blocks and Ganitmala to practice addition, further solidifying their understanding through hands-on experiences. Hindi मास का आरंभ विद्यार्थियों का स्वागत करते हुए व उन्होंने ग्रीष्म अवकाश कैसे व्यतीत किया, उस पर चर्चा करते हुए किया गया l मनोरंजन व ज्ञान वृद्धि करने हेतु पहेलियाँ पूछकर मात्राओं की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई l पाठ -'विनी ने लिखी नानी को चिट्ठी' के माध्यम से किस प्रकार डाकिया पत्र को ले जाकर अन्य स्थान तक पहुँचाता है, इस बारे में वीडियो द्वारा जानकारी दी गई | छात्रों को पत्र की गतिविधि के द्वारा पत्र का प्रारूप दिखाकर उस पर अपना तथा भेजने वाले का पता लिखने का स्थान बताते हुए पाठ का पठन कराकर पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कराया गया एवं प्रश्न उत्तर चर्चा के पश्चात लिखवाए गए l छात्रों से विभिन्न जानवरों की विशेषताओं पर चर्चा की गई l कला तथा विज्ञान विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए जीवों की सुरक्षा के साथ जोड़ते हुए जानवरों की उँगली कठपुतली बनवाई गई व छात्रों ने उसके द्वारा कहानी निर्माण किया । पहेलियाँ बूझकर छात्रों से विभिन्न वस्तुओं , व्यक्तियों , स्थानों , प्राणियों के विषय में जानकारी ली गई एवं छात्रों को संज्ञा शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी दी गई l ‘कहाँ चले जंगल के राजा' पाठ को कला तथा विज्ञान विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१५ थलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा के साथ जोड़ते हुए छात्रों ने कहानी प्रस्तुतीकरण किया । ICT The students learnt about how a computer is operated. 'How to switch on and off the computer stepwise' was demonstrated practically during the lesson. They also enjoyed typing the story, 'The Thirsty Crow' in 'Wordpad.' Physical Education Under the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: One leg balancing while skating and how to stop. Learning roll ball and how to dribble the ball, handling the ball and shooting practice. Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Osotogari (Technique for throw) Ukemis all fall, Ayumi ashi (Standing walking). Locomotor Skills: Jumping jacks, Criss cross, Side ways running, back running. Locomotor activities- Rolling the ball to the target after sideways running, Build a fort game in relay and Changing activities by changing the colored cones. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Racket and shuttle juggling), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of racket with forward position), Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like Hula hoops game, team building and balancing the brick with partner, relay races and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Ball bouncing, Ball catching and Ball dribbling. Lead up activity like Ball relay game and Ball catching and throwing with partners. Indian Music जुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, वाद्य परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से गीत , वाद्य गीत,तोता गीत संगीत ४ आल: वेलकम गीत,ग्रीटिंग गीत , सरे गामा बॉडी गेम,बाय - बाय गीत प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक जुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट । संगीत ४ आल: राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भीमपलासी एवं राग भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, एकला चलो रे । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक: वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय Western Music Students learned the rhythmic beat of the song "I Like to Move It" by Will.i.Am from the movie Madagascar on the drums, keyboard, and guitar. The instruments used in the song include drums, keyboard, guitar, piano, and vocal solfège. Western Dance In their Western Dance lessons, the students learned the following: 1. Integration of the 'National Animal of India,' the 'Tiger' (patriotic theme), with EVS (World of Animals) through Freestyle dance. 2. The characteristics of the animal through the concept of "Tales of the Tiger." 3. The significance of the Tiger as India's national animal. 4. A dance of survival and strength (a simple dance sequence using learned movements). 5. Tiger-like movements with correct posture and timing (creeping, pouncing, stretching, passé hold, cautious stalk, powerful leap). 6. Warm-up exercises focusing on flexibility and agility. 7. Basic dance counts of a 1-8 bar. 8. A cool-down session involving a relaxing stretch. Dance style: Freestyle Song: (Baagh Aayo Re) Indian Dance In their Indian Dance lessons, students learned about a dance based on a patriotic theme, which helped them understand the significance of freedom and Independence Day. Through this dance, they explored the geographical and socio-cultural differences within India, as well as the concepts of Unity in Diversity and national integration. Song: "Des Rangila Rangila, Des Mera Rangila....." Dance Style: Movements of Indian Folk Dances Life Skills The Life skill module of this month focused on mindfulness, a practice increasingly recognized for its significant benefits in child development. Mindfulness, the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, helped students improve their attention, emotional regulation, and stress management skills. This module covered various aspects of mindfulness, including mindful breathing, mindful listening, and mindful movement. Students of Grade 1&2 learned techniques to enhance their focus, calm their minds, and respond to their emotions in healthy ways. Through interactive activities, guided exercises, and reflective discussions, the module aimed to equip students with practical tools to navigate their daily lives more effectively, fostering a positive and supportive classroom environment. Drama Group Improv: Jungle Adventure In our recent drama class, we had an exciting session of group improvisation. We divided the students into small groups and gave them a thrilling scenario: lost in a jungle! Each group had to come up with creative solutions to find their way out. The children were bursting with ideas, from building treehouses to communicating with friendly animals. This activity not only sparked their imagination but also encouraged teamwork and storytelling. The jungle adventure was a roaring success, and our little actors truly enjoyed their time in the wild! Story Starters: Collaborative Tales Next, we explored the world of collaborative storytelling with our "Story Starters" activity. Each student received a sentence to kick off a story, and we went around the class with each child adding a new sentence to continue the tale. The stories ranged from magical kingdoms to space adventures, and the creativity on display was phenomenal. This exercise helped the students practice their listening skills, build on each other's ideas, and weave fascinating narratives together. The joy on their faces as the stories unfolded was priceless! Creative Movement: Expressing Emotions To wrap up our week, we had a session focused on "Creative Movement." We played music and encouraged the students to move around the room, expressing different feelings and emotions through their movements. From happy dances to slow, thoughtful walks, the students explored a range of emotions and learned to express themselves without words. This activity helped them understand the connection between movement and emotion, and it was wonderful to see them become more confident in their expressive abilities. These activities have been a fantastic way to nurture creativity, teamwork, and confidence in our young drama enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more adventures in our drama class. Visual Arts Students practiced depicting beautiful land animals like giraffes and lions. They integrated these animals into their art activities with Hindi, enhancing their learning experience. Additionally, they practiced coloring with oil pastels, which expanded their aesthetic awareness of color schemes. This integration of colors helped improve their hand-eye coordination. Fable Festival“The whole world opened up to me when I learned to read” - Mary McCleod Bethune Suncity School 37-D conducted its Annual Reading Programme, ‘Fable Festival’, specially designed for Grade I and II learners. Students were given the opportunity to enhance their reading skills through stories shared by educators. The ‘Fable Festival’, which commenced on 22nd April, spanned almost for an entire month, aiming to cultivate a lifelong love of reading in our little learners. The Fable Fervour peaked as our young Suncitizens transformed into their beloved characters, adorned in vibrant costumes, and took center stage to deliver heartfelt presentations for the culminating event known as ‘Fable Fervour’. Each child eloquently conveyed how their chosen character inspired them and imparted invaluable lessons. From queens and angels to vehicles and animals, the children embodied a diverse array of personas, bringing the stories vividly to life. This celebration of stories not only enhanced their comprehension and vocabulary but also fostered creativity and critical thinking in our tiny tots. Assemblies“Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to the nature itself, of which we are a part” Learners of Grade II A proudly presented their class assembly on ‘Earth Day. The assembly began with a short skit depicting a scenario where the earth is suffering due to the ill effects of global warming. Learners looked self assured as they talked about 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle) and encouraged audience to inculcate it their daily life. Further, it was followed by an exemplary performance where the young choir sang an inspiring song dedicated to Mother Earth. Later, learners took a pledge which served as a conscious reminder for everyone to take responsibility for their actions and make a positive impact on making our planet healthy. It was concluded with an interesting quiz.Principal Ma’am appreciated the learners for their enthralling and informative assembly. “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes our life in harmony with all existence." - Rabindranath Tagore Students of Grade II B conducted an assembly on 3rd My to celebrate the birth anniversary of Noble Laureate by making the students aware of his contribution in the field of literature, poetry and art. The students gave an impressive speech on his life and achievements. Students gave a splendid performance of his timeless composition ‘Elka Chalo Re’. Admiration of his work would have been incomplete without recitation of his poems from his great collection. So, students recited his famous poem emphasizing the great works he has done. Children enjoyed quiz session. Ms Guneet Ohri, Director of the School praised students for their fabulous performance and shared some insight with them. "Mothers are like glue. Even when you can't see them, they are still holding the family together."- Susan Gale Grade II C students held a heartwarming Mother's Day assembly. Students described letters of the word "MOTHER," attributing qualities like "M is for Magnificent," "O is for Outstanding," and so on, showcasing their appreciation for mothers. Their heartfelt descriptions were touching and well-received. Following the presentation, students performed a lively dance, wearing vibrant costumes, and moved in perfect sync. The assembly highlighted the students' creativity and enthusiasm, leaving the audience moved and joyful. It concluded with an interesting quiz, honoring mothers and emphasizing their importance in everyone's lives. Principal Ma'am praised students and commended them for their creativity and enthusiasm. MathematicsStudents were welcomed to the new session through an enjoyable activity where they formed different 3 digit numbers using digit cards. They learnt about various places where they find/see numbers by unravelling the way numbers work at a deeper level. Students applied strategies based on 'Place Value' for '2- and 3-Digit Numbers'. They explored flexible methods and models to solve and represent place values, wherein concrete models, pictorial representations, number sentences were included. Alongwith place value , they learnt to write expanded form of 3 digit numbers. They explored 'Ordering Numbers' and 'Comparing Numbers' using number cards and blocks. Taking learning further to an experiential mode, students enjoyed an activity wherein they learnt comparing of numbers using place value blocks. They also discovered 4 different ways of writing the numbers, which included 'Expanded Form', 'Block Method', 'Number Names', 'Numeral Form'. As a concept closure and evaluation of the learning, the students performed an activity using blocks and number cards. In the month of May , 3 D shapes were introduced using different classroom objects and PowerPoint . Difference between 2 D and 3 D shapes were explained. 3-D Shapes were drawn by the student in their notebook alongwith their attributes. Environmental ScienceThe session kicked off with a lively teacher-student introduction, sparking excitement for the theme 'Myself' and upcoming topics. The students marvelled at the stages of plant growth and human development, reflecting on personal transformations through See-Think-Wonder strategy. Engaging in a 'Simon Says' activity, they delved into the intricate world of internal and external organs, aided by colourful visual aids. Earth Day was celebrated with a creative craft activity, fostering a sense of environmental stewardship. A sensory nature walk heightened their awareness of the five senses, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. Recording their observations, they deepened their understanding of sensory functions. The month concluded with a comprehensive recap, ensuring all concepts were reinforced through a revision worksheet, leaving learners inspired and eager for more discoveries. Link : · · · In May, students embarked on a journey exploring the intricate dynamics of family life as part of their chapter, Our Family . Through thought-provoking discussions and inquiry-based questions, they gained insights into the diverse structures of families, ranging from nuclear to joint setups. Understanding the significance of shared activities such as mealtime gatherings and household chores, they discovered how these routines knit families together. Mother's Day provided a poignant opportunity for students to express appreciation for maternal figures through heartfelt art and craft activities. Transitioning to the theme of 'Games We Play', they delved into the concept of recreation, discovering a myriad of indoor and outdoor activities they enjoy. Fostering teamwork and sportsmanship, they learned the value of collaboration and fair play. As the month drew to a close, students reflected on their journey, reinforcing their understanding through meaningful discussion. Links : · ICTThe students were introduced to the topic by an ice-breaking activity where the students were asked to draw their favourite computer. They performed a role play activity wherein they were asked to play the role of a computer and a human and explain the difference between them. They were also taken on a school tour to understand the various places where computers are used. They also identified the other places where computers are used during class discussions. They were taken to ICT Lab to view various types of computers and their features. They were introduced to the various parts of the computer and extended parts of the computer like microphone, headphones, speakers, pendrive, heard disk, CD. A group discussion was conducted to make the students aware of the computer care tips and the things to be taken care of while using the computer. EnglishThe new session began with the icebreaker activity, ‘Hope and Fear’.' The students enjoyed giving their introductions, while honing their communication skills. Literature - The emphasis on understanding, following, and writing instructions through the activity 'Honey-licious dessert Activity’ was praiseworthy. The Unit-‘How to make a Hovering bee’ was taken up in the class with a focus on reading and learning new words. Regular loud reading practices not only help improve reading abilities but also pronunciation and fluency, which are essential skills for effective communication. To showcase their speaking and presentation abilities, students dressed up as bees and shared their knowledge about the bees in 'Bee Me' presentation. The students learnt new facts about the human body through the Unit- ‘How do we Move?’ Writing Skills -. Additionally, activities such as drawing story maps (setting, characters, and plot) for the story 'Two and Three', aimed at fostering critical thinking and comprehension, serve as a creative means to reinforce learning in our young learners. Grammar - Introducing grammar concepts like Verbs through games like Dumb Charades and Simon Says makes learning interactive and fun. Providing regular worksheets further reinforces the lessons and helps in reviewing the concepts. Children found delight in exploring alphabetical order, wherein they were introduced to the concept of dictionaries and instructed on the art of organizing words accordingly. Fable Festival - One of the highlights of the start of the term was the 'Fable Festival', designed to foster a love for reading in the little ones. The festival included model readings of fables, introduction to reading logs, and student-led readings of tales. They also dressed up as the character of their favourite fable and spoke about the character. Hindiसत्र का आरंभ विद्यार्थियों का स्वागत करते हुए व उनका परिचय लेते हुए ' मेरा परिचय' गतिविधि से किया गया | स्वरों व व्यंजनों के पूर्व ज्ञान की पुनरावृत्ति हेतु स्वर व्यंजन गीत का विडियो दिखाया गया व लिखित अभ्यास कराया गया l व्याकरण पाठ्य पुस्तक में पाठ -१ ‘भाषा’ के माध्यम से विभिन्न जानवरों की बोलियों से अवगत कराते हुए व भाषा के विभिन्न रूपों में अंतर स्पष्ट करते हुए मातृभाषा और भाषा के रूप लिखवाए गए l स्वर और व्यंजन का मौखिक और लिखित अभ्यास कराया गया व व्याकरण पुस्तक में पाठ -२ 'वर्ण और वर्णमाला' कराया गया l अपने शरीर का ज्ञान और उसके स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक करने हेतु सतत विकास लक्ष्य -३ से संबंधित तथा सामाजिक ज्ञान से एकीकृत करते हुए गतिविधि कराई गई जिसमें छात्रों को अपने शरीर का चित्र बनाकर अंगों के नाम लिखवाए गए व विभिन्न अंगों की सुरक्षा उपायों पर चर्चा भी की गई l विद्यार्थियों को मात्रा की पुनरावृत्ति कराने के लिए बारहखड़ी का अभ्यास कराया गया l विद्यार्थियों को अपने महान ग्रह की जानकारी देने व उसके संरक्षण के प्रति जागरूक करने के लिए ‘पृथ्वी दिवस’ गतिविधि कराई गई जिसमे छात्रों ने पृथ्वी को साफ सुथरा रखने की प्रतिज्ञा करते हुए अपनी भागीदारी स्पष्ट की l प्रतिदिन प्रयोग किए जाने वाले दिनों और महीनों के नाम से परिचित कराते हुए सप्ताह के ७ दिनों व साल के बारह महीनों के नाम लिखवाए गए | अपने रोज़ के जीवन में संख्याओं के महत्व को ध्यान में रखते हुए १ -२० तक के अंकों को ,हिन्दी अंकों व शब्दों में लिखवाया गया l छात्रों ने उत्साह के साथ गतिविधि में भाग लिया | छात्रों के मन में प्रत्येक कार्य व श्रमिक के प्रति सम्मान की भावना का विकास करने के लिए श्रमिक दिवस के विषय में जानकारी दी गई | माँ एवं बच्चों के स्नेहमय संबंध ,माता के परिवार में महत्व पर चर्चा करते हुए विद्यार्थियों से उनकी माता की विशेषताओं के विषय में पूछते हुए ‘मातृ दिवस गतिविधि’ सम्पन्न कराई गई जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने पुस्तिका में अपनी माँ की तस्वीर बनाकर उनके लिए उपयुक्त शब्द लिखे l पाठ-‘विनी ने लिखी नानी को चिट्ठी’ का पठन करवाया गया l जिसके द्वारा छात्रों के पठन कौशल का विकास हुआ l विडियो लिंक Physical EducationUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: One leg balancing while skating and how to stop. Learning roll ball and how to dribble the ball, handling the ball and shooting practice. Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Osotogari (Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops, throwing and catching smiley balls and obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Catching the ball with both hands), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of plastic bat with forward position), Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water and in and out game. Manipulation skills: With the teacher’s support, students learned to perform manipulation skills with plastic ball handling, basketball dribbling, throwing, football dribbling, kicking, bean bag- catching, and juggling. DanceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The Dance forms: Modern Dance (Limon Technique) and Kids Zumba Dance fitness (Level 1). 2. A brief overview of the dance forms and basic dance terminology, concepts, and principles, class format and objectives. 3. Warm up exercises. 4. Body isolation movements. 5. Zumba choreography of the 1st basic rhythm "Merengue". 6. Technical steps: Arm articulations, Plie, Merengue basic march, Side step, 2-step, V-step, Beto shuffle, Hip movements. 7. Cool down movements- Meditation, sleeping therapy, basic stretches to de-stress. Song: For Modern Dance(Aashiana), Grade 2(Zumba Merengue). Links: 1. 2. 3. DramaIn their Drama lesson, students performed the following activities: Introduction to Drama: -What is drama? -Role-play simple scenarios. -Introduction to the concept of drama through storytelling. Activity 1: -Discussion on what makes a story interesting (characters, setting, plot). -Storytelling: Use of voice and body to narrate a short story. Activity 2: -Role-play simple scenarios (e.g., playing with friends, going to the store). -Emphasize using voice and body to portray characters. -Freeze Frame: Freeze in different positions to express emotions (happy, sad, surprised). Activity 3: -Play a game of charades where students act out different emotions for others to guess. -Discuss how body language and facial expressions convey emotions. -Zip-Zap game for understanding the spontaneity of the brain. Activity 4: -Drama Role play of "Save Earth Skit". -Students role-play as plants, seeds, humans, and narrators. Activity 5: -Emotion Walk: Walk around the room displaying different emotions (happy, sad, angry, surprised). Activity 6: -Encourage students to exaggerate their movements to express each emotion. -Emotion Masks: Create masks representing different emotions using paper plates and craft materials. -Use the masks in a short skit. Activity 7: -Story Retelling: Retell a familiar story using different emotions. -Retell the story of "Jungle Book" using different emotions for each character. Indian musicअप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, वाद्य परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से गीत , वाद्य गीत,माँ संगीत ४ आल: वेलकम गीत,ग्रीटिंग गीत , सरे गामा बॉडी गेम,बाय - बाय गीत, प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा, गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक अप्रैल एवं मई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार, बैलून ब्रीथिंग, सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट । संगीत ४ आल: राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से, तीन ताल परिचय, तबला बोल गीत, राग समूह, राग भैरव परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश, प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक, एकला चलो रे । गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक,गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय । सन्दर्भ वीडियो लिंक: वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय I Western MusicThe songs "Wake Me Up" and "Do-a-Deer" from The Sound of Music served as the foundation for learning the seven musical notes, with students singing in unison, individually, and practicing loud and soft dynamics. Instruments used include the piano, guitar, and drums. Visual ArtChildren were introduced to poster on world Art Day drawing where they were shown pictures of Posters. Students learnt about when and why Art day is celebrated and also the merging and proper filling with oil pastels.
mathsThe month started with students learning about 'Time' and why it's important to have schedules for tasks. They also figured out how to read the numbers and clock hands on a regular clock. Using a tool called Visnos clock, they practiced telling time on both analog and digital clocks, including using AM and PM correctly. The students were really excited about a hands-on activity in class where they used Visnos clock to show times like half-past, quarter-past, and quarter-to by moving the clock hands. Students crafted a paper watch and honed their time-telling skills by using it. Students delved into the concept of currency and its historical development, gaining insight into various denominations and practical applications in everyday scenarios. To make learning more practical, the students also did an activity based on the 'Shin Edu Program. EVSThe learning journey started with a new topic 'Weather and Seasons,' wherein the students observed daily weather patterns, explored different seasons, and discovered the types of clothes suitable for each season. The students made beautiful stick puppets from old clothes fostering sustainability through reduced waste and resources that support SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Additionally, they delved into the world of festivals, learning about national, religious, and harvest festivals, and understanding the significance of national symbols and holidays. The curriculum expanded to include a fascinating topic, 'Our Universe'. Students were given the task of observing the day and night sky, and identify natural and man-made elements. They enthusiastically shared their findings about the sun, moon, stars, and more. Through engaging methods like videos and models, the students learned about our 'Milky Way Galaxy' and other galaxies in space. The educator further explained the planets in our Solar System, sharing interesting facts. To reinforce their knowledge, students explored space further and actively participated in class discussions. A special focus was given to understanding the 'Phases of the Moon,' with students encouraged to observe the night sky daily for a deeper understanding. The topic concluded with a quiz link and worksheet to reinforce their learning. Overall, the students embraced these topics with enthusiasm, enriching their minds with knowledge about the world around them and beyond. Video Links- EnglishLiterature- A new reading approach including close reading was introduced using a poem titled "A Dragon in the Classroom." Students focused on identifying rhyming words, nouns, and other elements while also exploring the theme of recycling and repurposing old items to create new inventions. Comprehension questions were discussed, and students were actively engaged in the "Design a Dragon" activity where they creatively crafted mythical dragons using recycled materials such as old wires, cardboard boxes, newspapers and other reusable materials. They also explained their creations. An activity 'Carnival In The Class' was planned in which the students enthusiastically performed and spoke about their favourite festival. Grammar- Students were engaged in practical exercises aimed at reinforcing their understanding of synonyms and punctuation. They actively participated in activities designed to identify synonyms for given words and practice using them appropriately in sentences. Additionally, they tackled punctuation exercises where they placed commas, full stops, and other punctuation marks correctly within sentences to enhance their writing skills. Literature- In February, students completed the unit "Christopher's Bicycle" focusing on reading, comprehension, and story sequencing skills. During a "Bagless Day" activity, students created colorful flashcards illustrating the beginning, middle, and end of the story, along with its title and characters. To enhance their story writing abilities, students initially worked with flashcards and later wrote about the story. Grammar- Grammar concepts such as prepositions, antonyms, articles, and pronouns were reviewed to reinforce previous learning. To further develop reading, comprehension, and critical thinking skills- Students were engaged in a reading activity using the book "Treasure Of Tales - Unit 10." ICTStudents learnt more about TUX Paint by making different projects on Save Earth. SDG 15 - Life On Land. They confidently created a drawing on Spring Season also, using tools of TUX Paint. They were able to Open, Save, Close the TUX Paint project. They also completed the projects given in the workbook. hindiमास का आरंभ छात्रों से पूर्वज्ञान के आधार पर प्रश्न पूछकर वाक्यांश का परिचय देते हुए किया गया जैसे - जो पढ़ाता है उसे क्या कहते हैं आदि। छात्रों की कल्पनाशीलता व शब्द भंडार में वृद्धि कराने हेतु छात्रों को दो समूह में बाँटकर ‘बूझो तो जाने’ खेल खिलाया गया जिसके अंतर्गत एक समूह से एक सदस्य आया और एक पर्ची उठाकर वाक्यांश बोला और दूसरे समूह के सदस्य ने उसका नाम बताया। इस तरह छात्रों को कम शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए वाक्यांश का प्रयोग करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया ।छात्रों को संबंधित विडियो दिखाया गया और बताया गया कि किस प्रकार वाक्यांश के प्रयोग से वाक्य को छोटा व प्रभावशाली बनाया जा सकता है। पुस्तकीय अभ्यास व कार्य पुस्तिका में अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया ।छात्रों में निडरता व चतुराई जैसे गुणों का विकास करने के लिए पाठ - टन टन घंटा का पठन कराया गया। छात्रों से उनके ऐसे अनुभव जिससे उनकी निडरता का पता चले, पर चर्चा की गई । छात्रों को एक नैतिक कहानी का विडिओ भी दिखाया गया व समझदारी व बुद्धिमत्ता से काम करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। छात्रों को समानार्थक शब्दों का ज्ञान करवाने हेतु गतिविधि करवाई गयी | छात्रों को अपनी पसंद के किसी भी शब्द को लेकर उसका चित्र बनाकरअधिक से अधिक शब्द लिखने को प्रेरित किया गया | छात्रों को पाठ- 'फुदकू मेंढक' व पर्यायवाची की पुनरावृत्ति हेतु अभ्यास-पत्र दिया गया। चित्र -वर्णन करने का तरीका समझाते हुए मृदुल व्याकरण में चित्र वर्णन से संबंधित अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। वाक्य रचना करवाते हुए छात्रों को स्वयं वाक्य निर्माण करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। गिनती, दिनों व महीनों के नाम की पुनरावृत्ति भी करवाई गई । peUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: One leg balancing while skating and how to stop. Teaching roll ball and how to dribble the ball, handling the ball and shooting practice. Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Osotogari ( Technique for throw) all fall, ushiro ukemi, mae ukemi and Yuko ukemi. Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops, throwing and catching smiley balls and obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Catching the ball with both hands), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of plastic bat with forward position), Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Under the teacher’s command, students were taught to perform manipulation skills with plastic ball handling, basketball dribbling, throwing, football dribbling, kicking, bean bag- catching, and juggling. western danceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Khoon chala from Rang De Basanti In their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. Modern Dance (Limon Technique) 2. Use of dance vocabulary to describe movement. 3. Arm Articulations. 4. Drop swing 5. Dance techniques about the dynamics of body weight as the body rose, fell, and remained in suspension during a dance. 6. Movements to improve a dancer's quality of movement which adds strength while developing dynamic and exciting movement qualities. 7. Unique use of space, weight, and music. 8. Simple exercises that can be later enhanced to challenge modern dance movements and improve one's coordination significantly. DANCE FORM: MODERN DANCE SONG: "AAG UDI" (VICTORY ANTHEM) from the movie TEJAS LINK: indian danceRepublic Day is the day when India marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January 1950. This replaced the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India, thus turning the nation into a republic separate from British Raj. To celebrate the same students learnt a freestyle dance, full of patriotic energy and vibrance. DANCE FORM: Freestyle SONG: Chak De India Students learnt basic Russian classical ballet movements, isolations and techniques to learn the choreography for the upcoming Annual Day production. DANCE FORM: Ballet/ freestyle SONG- 'Rise' by Katy Perry, 'Carol of the bells' by Lindsey Sterling indian musicगायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : स्वरतरंग गीत , सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग मालकोशआरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली का प्रारंभिक परिचय western musicSongs: 'Resillience spin on...' Students learnt to play different instruments during the practice sessions for the Annual Day celebration. Instruments used: Guitar, drums, piano, keyboard, bucket, congo, shaker, clapbox dramaIn their Drama lesson, students performed the following activities: We are thrilled to announce this year's Annual Day celebration, where our talented Grade 2 Drama students will be performing "The Wizard of Oz". This timeless classic will come to life on stage, showcasing the creativity and dedication of our young performers. To make this event a memorable experience for our students, we did a series of activities leading up to the big day: Activity 1:- Students enhanced their creativity but also provide a hands-on experience in the world of theatre arts. Activity 2:- Character Exploration: Through fun games and activities, students went deeper into the personalities of their characters. They learnt how to embody the emotions of their roles, making their performances more authentic and engaging. Activity 3:- Set Design and Decoration: Our budding artists worked together to design and decorate the set for "The Wizard of Oz." This collaborative efforts enhanced their teamwork skills and also gave them a sense of ownership over the production. Activity 4:- Rehearsal Schedule: Regular rehearsals held to ensure that every student is well-prepared for the performance. These rehearsals were not only focus on acting but also on stage presence, voice modulation, and overall performance skills. Activity 5:- Interactive Storytelling: Students participated in interactive storytelling sessions, where they learned the magical world of Oz through various creative activities. This helped them understand the story better and also inspired them to bring their characters to life on stage. We are confident that these activities will not only enhance the students' understanding and appreciation of "The Wizard of Oz" but also help them develop valuable skills that will benefit them both on and off the stage. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement as we prepare for this exciting event. Together, let's make "The Wizard of Oz" a magical experience for our students. visual artsStudents made Republic Day special drawing in which they learnt how to draw the National Flag, the Fighter jets and the India Gate. Composition: Creative and freehand Art Technique: Free hand, paper craft, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, craft aper, tissue Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, how the motor skills change when introduced to similar art forms like music. SDG: 11 - Sustainable cities and communities Students made an Abstract tree using different colour scheme. They also created composition on Vasant Panchami, where they practised drawing swan, sitar and lotus flower. Composition: Creative and freehand Art Technique: Free hand, paper craft, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, craft paper, tissue Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, how the motor skills change when introduced to similar art forms like music. SDG: 15 – Life on Land life skillsThe topic for the respective month was Personal Hygiene. The goal of the module was to help students understand and practice healthy habits and
maintain personal hygiene. The module elaborated upon the concept of maintaining personal hygiene by keeping oneself clean, eating healthy food and keeping the environment clean. It was delivered in an interactive manner using demonstration, storytelling and visual aids. mathThe month began with the lesson 'Measurement' in which the facilitator narrated a story. Through this story the students explored to use different non-standard units of measurement like a hand span, a foot span, a pace, a cubit and a palm to measure things around them. like - Pencil- using finger span, Textbook-using a hand span and so on. The discussion on drawbacks of non-standard units of measurement lead to importance of standard units of measurement. They explored different units of measurement through hands on experience. evsThe learning journey for this month started with several questions on situations given to the students to test their pre-knowledge of the topic-' Air around Us.' The topic ‘Air and water’ was introduced and the students were made aware of the existence of living beings on the earth. Further, the students learnt about the properties of 'Air and Water', their importance, and the ways to keep them clean. The students were able to understand the concept with the help of experiments conducted in the class. The topic was integrated with SDG 6-'Clean water and Sanitation' and SDG 13-'Climate Action.' The students made beautiful posters on it. Going forward, the learners were made aware of the changes in the atmosphere due to air and water. The little enthusiasts were shown a video of the 'Water Cycle' to understand the concept of 'Weather and Seasons.' A discussion on how the weather changes and brings a change in the season was conducted. Video Links englishLiterature- During December, the joyful sounds of Christmas bells resonated, bringing happiness and cheer. The month was characterized by an atmosphere of eager excitement. Students successfully wrapped up the Unit titled 'A Woodland Dictionary,' emphasizing reading, dictionary tasks, comprehension, glossary creation, and writing skills. This unit served as a review of alphabetical order, dictionary usage, and the introduction of new vocabulary terms and their definitions. To further their understanding, children engaged in a 'Nature Walk' to identify various trees and plants, joyfully exploring and discussing their discoveries. Grammar- The beloved 'Letter to Santa' activity served a dual purpose: not only did it help students grasp the techniques and intricacies of letter-writing, but it also sparked their imaginations. To reinforce previous learning, a review of grammar concepts such as 'Singular-Plural' and 'Sentences' was conducted during this period. The introduction to Present and Past Tenses occurred through a timeline activity followed by tasks in notebooks. Additionally, the concept of Pronouns was introduced using a Christmas-themed activity. Reading skills were assessed through 'Tag Your Peer' activity, where children engaged with the story 'No Mangoes For The Bear' from the 'Treasure Of Tales,' further enhancing their comprehension skills. Video Links ictThe students were introduced to a new topic TUX Paint. They enjoyed learning the components of TUX Paint and using them in their drawings. They created Nature Scene, Christmas Scene during their classes using Paint Tool, Lines tool, color palette, Magic effect, etc. They enjoyed working in TUX Paint. hindiसर्दियों के सुहाने मास का आरंभ विद्यालय के उद्यान में प्रकृति-भ्रमण से किया गया जहाँ एक और छात्रों को भिन्न - भिन्न मौसमों में खिलने वाले फूलों की पहचान हुई , वहीं दूसरी और उनके हिन्दी व अंग्रेजी नामों का भी पता लगा | सतत विकास लक्ष्य-१३ 'जलवायु परिवर्तन' व सामाजिक विज्ञान के विषय ‘मौसम’ से एकीकृत करते हुए फूलों से संबधित त्योहारों के विषय में जानकारी प्रदान की गई व प्रकृति भ्रमण के दौरान अपनी प्रकृति के संरक्षण पर भी बल दिया गया | तत्पश्चात फूलों से संबंधित पाठ - 'अहा ! फूल कितने सुंदर हैं' का पठन एवं अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। साथ-साथ रचनात्मक लेखन कौशल व शब्द -भंडार में वृद्धि के लिए 'मेरा प्रिय फूल ' विषय पर चित्र सहित पाँच पंक्तियाँ स्वयं लिखने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । वचन संबंधी शब्दावली व वाक्य निर्माण कला में वृद्धि के लिए वीडियो द्वारा परिचय दिया गया व मौखिक रूप से एकवचन व बहुवचन भी पूछे गए । हिंदी भाषीय उत्सव गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों ने अपनी- अपनी मातृ भाषा में कविता या कहानी प्रस्तुत की गई l एकवचन से बहुवचन बनाने के नियम बताते हुए व्याकरण पुस्तक व अभ्यास पुस्तिका में कार्य करवाया गया peUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: Speed Skating (racing against the clock or other competitors on an oval or straight track) Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Mae Ukemi (forward fall) monkey crawl, plank roll and burpee jump. Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops, throwing and catching smiley balls and obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (catching the ball with both hands), body co-ordination game (follow through of plastic bat with forward position), action to reaction game (ball hitting with bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water, and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Plastic ball handling, basketball throwing, football dribbling, kicking, and juggling, hockey dribbling, and balloon catching western danceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Contemporary Dance: Shoulder isolations, leg kicks, leg raise, bum rolling. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the commercial elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Contemporary SONG: Khoon chala from Rang De Basanti In their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The revision of essential beginning steps of Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn, Jazz Square, Grapevine. 2. Jazz routine with the theme 'Christmas Special' and the addition of a new technical Jazz steps- Chasse Ball Change. 3. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong. 4. Body isolations 5. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'JINGLE BELLS' LOVE TO SING indian danceChristmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. Students learnt a peppy, fun dance on a Christmas song. DANCE FORM: Freestyle SONG: Deck the hall indian musicगायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : स्वरतरंग गीत , सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग यमन आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली का प्रारंभिक परिचय western musicSongs: Christmas carols - 'Rudolph the red nosed reindeer', 'Feliznavidad' Students learnt to differentiate pitches in different keys, playing from a piano and a bass guitar. They practised singing individually for Parent Walk-in. Instruments used: drums, keys, guitar bass dramaIn their Drama lesson, students performed the following activities': Activity 1: • Emotional experience and how to express these emotions: This was done with “Different Fragrances Act”, in this act students brought the different fragrant things. • Group and individual presentation of that smell was done. Activity 2: • Creativity through storytelling: In this section, any story was chosen by the students and they presented the story with facial expressions. • Students were instructed that the story must have different Rasa, so that it does not sound monotonous. Activity 3: • Some eminent character presentations from the play “The Wizard of Oz”. • Portrayal of characters like Dorothy, Tin woodman, scarecrow, Toto etc., with gestures and facial expressions. Props and connected things to enhance the performance. Activity 4: • Audition for the play “The Wizard of Oz” • Story narration of the play “The Wizard of Oz” was done with enactment. visual artsStudents completed their Art worksheet 2 & 4 in their SDG book "Be the Change". Children created winter scene composition and Christmas scene. Composition: Creative bookmarks and composition Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, drawing sheet. Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, colouring, blending fine line drawing. SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation. life skillsIn the month of December, students were introduced to the topic of "Embracing differences". The objective of this topic was to:
- To help students understand values and what they stand for. - To help students understand kindness and what words to use while showing kindness. - To help students understand tolerance and how to be accepting of others. - To help students understand the differences in people and be accepting of those differences. mathThe month began with students delving into the practical applications of 'Division' in everyday scenarios. They explored various situations where a grasp of division proves valuable.They delved into the long division method, laying the groundwork for students to develop more advanced concepts related to division, including fractions, proportions etc. They explored the concept of 'Fractions' by integrating it with division, creating engaging learning activities. One such activity was representing fractions using cut-outs of various shapes. The month of November was full of new ideas and building confidence among children where they understood 'Division' and 'Fractions' using different methods. The month continued with recapitulation of the topics done and as a concept closure. Students attempted worksheets and quizzes to evaluate the learning's also did Shin Edu to build up their logical understanding. Video links: EVSThe learning journey for this month started with several queries on the situations given to the students to test their pre-knowledge about transport. The topic ‘Transportation’ was introduced by briefing the students about the invention of wheels. Further, the students learnt about the ‘Importance of Wheels’ and the evolution of means of transport in due course of time. After that the learners were made aware of the importance of transport in our lives. The students also learnt about various means of communication used in ancient and modern times. They were able to differentiate between personal and mass communication. With transportation and communication systems comes a deep sense of responsibility which enables the learners to talk about the safety rules that they must follow at various places. They also learnt about a First Aid box and how first aid can be provided in case someone gets hurt. Video links: englishLiterature- Unit-12, ‘The Chatterbox Turtle’ was taken up to make the learners aware of the 'Picture Description.' Children vividly described the various settings and were involved in a group activity to describe the characters of the story as well. Reading- At the start of the month, kids were engaged in interactive discussions on the topic 'Festival of Lights.' In connection with this event, an activity was organized for the children to express their happiness about their Diwali celebration plans which in turn enhanced their vocabulary and communication skills. Students cultivated a habit of reading by engaging in shared reading sessions, where they took turns reading from the supplementary reader called "Treasure of Tales." They relished exploring the Unit titled 'A Bridge of Crocodiles' and 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' which was followed by a Pictorial Story Graphic Organiser activity. This month, they focused on learning new spelling patterns -'oo' sound, comprehending glossaries, and enhancing their spelling abilities, all of which contributed significantly to the expansion of their vocabulary. Grammar- The recapitulation of grammar concepts like ‘Helping Verbs’ and ‘Contraction’ was done to reinforce the learning which has taken place in the previous month. Connecting the sentences became fun when children designed their ‘Conjunction Train’, ensuring that methods like these, aid the topics in staying glued to the memory, especially when students presented their creations in an impactful manner followed by the notebook task so that the concept is clear. Video Links- ictStudents were guided to revisit more features of 'MS Word' related to formatting. The students were able to insert images and format it. They learnt the shortcut keys used in MS Word. They enjoyed typing a letter to their mothers, inserting related images, adding borders, formatting the text in the document. hindiमास का आरंभ छात्रों को विशेषण के विषय में ज्ञान देने से किया गया | छात्रों ने अपनी मनपसंद वस्तुओं की विशेषताएँ कक्षा में सबके साथ सांझा की | तत्पश्चात विडियो व लिखित अभ्यास द्वारा विशेषण शब्दों की पहचान एवं उनका वाक्य प्रयोग करना सिखाया गया, जिससे उनका अवधारणा संबंधी बौद्धिक विकास हुआ । सतत विकास के लक्ष्य 13 जलवायु क्रिया के अंतर्गत -छात्रों ने मौसम में होने वाले परिवर्तन (सर्दी के मौसम ) के विषय में विशेषण युक्त ५ वाक्य बोले | छात्रों को अपनी ऐतिहासिक इमारतों के बारे में बताते हुए उन धरोहरों को सुरक्षित एवं साफ रखने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । विडिओ द्वारा आगरा के ऐतिहासिक स्थानों जैसे ताजमहल , फतेहपुर सीकरी एवं सिकंदरा के बारे में बताया गया । तत्पश्चात ' आगरा की सैर' पाठ का पठन करवाकर उसका पुस्तकीय अभ्यास एवं लिखित अभ्यास करवाया गया । ताजमहल के विषय में पाँच वाक्य लिखवाकर रचनात्मक लेखन करवाया गया । एकल गतिविधि के अंतर्गत छात्रों से आगरा के प्रमुख स्थानों एवं वस्तुओं के चित्र चिपकाकर शहर के विषय में जानकारी पक्की हो सकी । कविता ' समय से' का गायन करवाते हुए समय की उपयोगिता के विषय में बताया गया जिससे छात्रों को समय व्यर्थ न गँवाने की प्रेरणा दी गई । छात्रों को कविता का पुस्तकीय अभ्यास करवाया गया एवं उन्हें समय से अपना सभी कार्य पूर्ण करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । उन्हें समय के महत्व पर रचनात्मक लेखन करवाया गया। संबंधित लिंक PEUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: Speed Skating (racing against the clock or other competitors on an oval or straight track) Gymnastics: Basics of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Mae Ukemi (forward fall) monkey crawl, plank roll and burpee jump. Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops, throwing and catching smiley balls and obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (catching the ball with both hands), body co-ordination game (follow through of plastic bat with forward position), action to reaction game (ball hitting with bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water, and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Plastic ball handling, basketball throwing, football dribbling, kicking, and juggling, hockey dribbling, and balloon catching western danceIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The revision of essential beginning steps of Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn, Jazz Square. 2. Jazz routine with the theme 'Christmas Special' and the addition of three new technical Jazz steps- Jazz Walk, Jazz slide, Jazz turn, Grapevine. 3. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong. 4. Body isolations 5. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'JINGLE BELLS' LOVE TO SING indian danceDiwali, the festival of lights, is mainly celebrated in honour of Lord Ram's return to his kingdom in Ayodhya, after staying in exile for 14 years. On this occasion Suncitizens learnt a beautiful dance choreography showing Ram as a warrior and also the beauty of Maa Sita. DANCE FORM: Kathak/ Semi Classical SONG: Ram Siya Ram indian musicगायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : राम आएंगे गीत , सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग यमन आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली का प्रारंभिक परिचय western musicIn their Western Music lessons, students learnt: Christmas Carols: Jingle bells, Feliz navidad, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Students practised Christmas carols to celebrate Christmas. Instruments used: piano, keyboard, guitar dramaIn their Drama lesson, students got to know about different emotions and their execution through different activities. Activity 1: Emotion Connect Students learnt and understood the expectations and routines of the Drama class. Students identified how and why different emotions are expressed. Activity 2: Morning to School- Get set go Students recreated routine, day to day events through different acts. Activity 3: Handle the situation Random activities to enhance Emotional Intelligence Activity 4: Family and Emotion Students created an impactful performance by getting into the emotion acceleration. visual ArtsStudents were introduced to the monthly theme 'Transport' where they drew different means of transport by visualizing the pictures. Students were encouraged to draw an airplane, a cruise ship and a bus using shapes. The students also practised Diwali composition with oil pastels and a black outliner. Composition: Creative Diwali composition and means of transport Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, drawing sheet. Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, colouring, blending fine line drawing. life skillsThe module for November covered the Theme: Friendship. Making friends means finding people you enjoy spending time with. It's like starting an adventure where you say hello, ask about their favorite things, and be friendly. When you show kindness and interest in others, you can make wonderful new friends. In the "The Matching Game," each child was provided with a sheet of a particular color. The objective was for the children to find and team up with others who possess the same colored sheet. They needed to search around, say hello, and, upon finding a match, form a small group or pair. This game was an excellent way to foster social interaction, cooperation, and color recognition skills. Students were encouraged to think about how they feel when they have friends, how does being around their friends make them feel? The Friendship Awards activity was significant because it enabled children to develop social skills, encourages their creativity, and reinforces the importance of friendship. It's a hands-on opportunity for kids to express their feelings, show appreciation, and establish new connections. excursion - rocksportNature is the best therapy, and an excursion is a perfect way to enjoy it. In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, inspite of real sorrows. -Emerson The visit to Rocksport on November 28, 2023, organized by Suncity School 37D for Grade 1 and 2 students, was an enthralling adventure. The children had a blast enjoying live music and getting engaged in thrilling activities like tyre crawl, burma bridge, commando net, zip line, rope climbing, and other low rope challenges. They created lasting memories during their time there. Overall, it was a delightful and unforgettable day for the students, an experience filled with learning and enjoyment. MATHThe month commenced by recapitulating multiplication through a very interesting activity 'Multiplication Building.' Students understood the meaning of equal sharing and performed an activity of equally distributing real life objects around them. They also discussed a few 'Division' questions by unravelling the way numbers work at a deeper level. Students applied strategies based on repeated 'Subtraction' and were introduced to 'Division' using number line, wherein they also co-related the concept of 'Division' with the concept of 'Multiplication'. Adding up to their learning, children understood the properties of 'Division'. They explored flexible methods and models to solve the sums which included 'Concrete Models', 'Pictorial Representations', 'Number Sentences' and 'Number Lines.' The children identified and traced different shapes in 'Shin Edu.' EVSThe learning journey for this month started with the introduction of the topic, ‘Shelter’. It started with a discussion on homeless people seen on the roads. The teacher posed several questions on situations given to the students to test their pre-knowledge. The teacher used various audio-video aids like pictures and videos to make the students understand the significance of shelter in their lives, the types of houses, different rooms in a house, and the people who helped us to build our houses. The students were familiarized with the building materials, tools, and machines used in constructing a house. The topic ‘Our Neighborhood Places’ and the role of Community Helpers in the society was explained with the help of a video demonstration. The role of various community helpers at different levels in a school, were shared by the children. It broadened their understanding of their surroundings and the various individuals who make our house and community a better place. As experiential learning is an integral part of education, the students were taken to a ‘Field trip to a Supermart’ where they interacted with different 'Community Helpers' like Grocer, Baker, Cashier and Security Guards, observed their roles and responsibilities in our society. Video links ENGLISHLiterature: Students completed the Unit- Bridges, emphasizing reading, comprehension, glossary usage, and writing skills. As part of this, an activity called "Bridge Building" was organized, where students created models of various types of bridges and presented them to the class. Grammar- Engaging concept like 'Onomatopoeia Words' provided students with the opportunity to explore the construction of longer sentences using words that imitate sounds. Onomatopoeia words were taught through video demonstrations and reinforced with interactive worksheets. The concept of contractions was introduced which was followed by a notebook task. The use of auxiliary verbs 'Has' and 'Have' was clarified through an activity, helping students understand when to use each while communicating. The integration of reading, listening, and writing skills facilitated practical application in daily communication, enhancing their speaking abilities. Links: ICTThe students learnt about a new topic that is MS Word 2016. They learnt about the various components of word window, how to start Word, how to enter text, select text, how to add margin to the document. They enjoyed typing an invitation to their friends in MS Word 2016. HINDIमास का आरंभ 'अहिंसा के पुजारी ' पूजनीय महात्मा गाँधी जी के विषय में कविता पाठ ' मैं गाँधी बन जाऊँ ' से किया गया । छात्रों को गाँधीजी के जीवन की घटनाओं से परिचित कराने के लिए विडिओ दिखाकर अपने जीवन में सत्य के मार्ग पर चलने व अहिंसा का प्रयोग करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया जिससे उनके जीवन में नैतिकता का विकास हो ।अभ्यास पुस्तिका में चरखा बनवाते हुए, गाँधी जी के विषय में कविता प्रस्तुतीकरण लिया गया । छात्रों ने बहुत उत्साह व उमंग के साथ कविता वाचन किया । इस गतिवधि द्वारा छात्रों के वाक कौशल का विकास हुआ । लिंग संबंधित पूर्व ज्ञान को जाँचने के लिए छात्रों से सरल संज्ञा शब्दों के लिंग पूछे गए। तत्पश्चात उन्हें कुछ अन्य शब्द पूछकर उनके परिवर्तित लिंग बताने को कहा गया, जिससे छात्र नए संज्ञा शब्दों से परिचित हों व उनके शब्द भंडार का विस्तार हो । लिंग की परिभाषा समझाते हुए व्याकरण पुस्तिका में लिंग संबंधी कार्य स्वयं पढ़कर व समझकर करने को कहा गया जिससे छात्रों में आत्मविश्वास एवं समस्या निदान का गुण विकसित हो । अक्टूबर माह में आने वाले सभी त्योहारों जैसे गाँधी जयंती , दशहरा के विषय में जानकारी दी गई । छात्रों को निर्जीव वस्तुओ के लिंग का निर्धारण करना सिखाने के लिए एक खेल भी खिलाया गया , जिसमे छात्रों को दो समूहों में विभक्त करके स्त्रीलिंग व पुल्लिंग लिखे हुए कार्ड देकर अध्यापिका ने एक-एक करके उन्हे अनेक वस्तुएँ दिखाकर उनका लिंग पूछा व छात्रों ने कार्ड दिखाकर वस्तुओं का लिंग बताया। जिस समूह के अंक अधिक हुए, उसे विजेता घोषित किया व तालियों द्वारा उनका मनोबल बढ़ाया गया । PEUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: Speed Skating (racing against the clock or other competitors on an oval or straight track) Gymnastics: Basic of floor exercises like wall hand stand, handstand kick, baby cartwheel, balancing drill on the beam. Judo: Mae Ukemi ( Forward Fall) monkey crawl, plank roll and burpee jump. Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops,Throwing and catching smiley balls and Obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Catching the ball with both hands), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of plastic bat with forward position) , Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Under the teacher’s command, Students were taught to perform manipulation skills with plastic ball handling, basketball dribbling & and throwing, football dribbling, kicking, bean bag- catching& amp; and juggling. WESTERN DANCEIn their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The 6 essential beginning steps of Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn, Jazz Square. 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one more injury free and strong. 3. Body isolations 4. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'BUTTER' by BTS In their Western Dance lessons, the students learnt: 1. The combination steps of Bhangra Dance: Shoulder movement, leg taps, leg raise, side shuffle taps 2. Full body strengthening warm-up routine to keep one injury free and strong 3. Choreography was done keeping the essence of full movement intact and add the contemporary elements to make the art form interesting. DANCE FORM: Bhangra SONG: Jogiya by Surjeet Bindarakhia INDIAN DANCEThe legend associated with Navratri speaks about the great battle between the powerful demon Mahishasura and Goddess Durga. On each day of Navratri, an incarnation of “Goddess Durga” is worshipped to celebrate the day of her victory over Mahishasura, and the ultimate victory of 'Good over Evil.” Students learnt a Durga stuti depicting Mahishasur mardan. DANCE FORM: Classical SONG: Aigiri nandini INDIan musicकक्षा - 11 गायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : राम सिया राम - रामायण (चौपाई ) , सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग भीमप्लासी परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली का प्रारंभिक परिचय western musicSong: 'We are one' from Lion King 2 In life there is so much that we don't understand, things don't always go as the way we planned. However, we are still one family. Instruments used: Drums, bucket, piano ARTIn their Visual Art lessons, students learnt: Gr I and II Students made bookmarks for Sadaya - Mental Health Wellness Week. They drew themselves, their family members and their favourite cartoon characters based on the topic 'Me, Myself and My Family'. They also created effigies of Ravana to commemorate the festival of Dussehra. Composition: Creative bookmarks and composition Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, drawing sheet. Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, colouring , blending and fine line drawing. SDG:3 - Good Health and Wellbeing DRAMAIn their Drama classes, the students learnt about different emotions and their execution through different activities: Activity 1: Act of "I am the Performer" In this activity, students performed the act of "I am the Performer" and delivered dialogues with 5 different emotions (Happy, Sad, Anger, Fear, Disgust). Through this, students got to know about RASA and BHAVA to express their feelings along with a style statement. Activity 2: Mirror Activity and Enactment In this activity, students easily understand the action of their co-performer and learn about their quick and slow action movement. These actions led them to know about the spontaneity of their own and their partner’s performance. Activity 3: Speak without Movement (Intro) In this activity, students introduce themselves with their name, class, father’s name, mother’s name, DOB, school’s name and address, hobbies, CT’s name and Helper Didi’s name. However, there was one interesting condition that they were not supposed to move from the chair that challenged them to control their body. FIELD TRIPA Supermarket is a wonderful place for children to learn about different 'Community Helpers'. Keeping this in mind a field trip to the 'Sodhi Supermart' was organized for the Suncitizens of Grade II. They met and interacted with different 'Community Helpers' like Grocer, Baker, Cashier and Security Guard. Let's take a sneak peek into the visit. WELLNESS WEEKOur journey during Wellness Week, from October 9th to October 13th, was truly enchanting! Each day introduced a new theme, spreading happiness and positivity throughout Suncity School-37D. The children engaged in activities suitable for their age, igniting creativity and promoting teamwork. Our incredible teachers wholeheartedly embraced the themes with infectious enthusiasm. The children were involved in various activities, like, My Dream Jar, Expressing Gratitude, and Spin The Wheel fostering empathy. They also pinned a badge of smiley which emphasised on happiness and well being. The assemblies represented the resilience and hope that defines our community, emphasizing the bright days ahead even during challenging times. Together, we crafted a picture of support, well-being, and positivity. ASSEMBLIESII D"Technology is an integral part of our lives and the credit goes to techies for making it so much useful for all of us" Students of Suncity 37D celebrated 'World Techie's day' to acknowledge the contribution of technology in our lives. The suncitizens of Grade 2 -D learnt and appreciated the hard work of all the techies to make our life easier. Students presented uses of different technology platforms used by our school like Teams, Campus care etc. They also showcased the disadvantage of excess use of technology by a small role play. IIE‘Our Body is our garden and our mind and will are our gardeners. Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.’ Suncity School celebrated ‘Wellness Week’ from 9th Oct to 13th Oct. Our Excited and jubilant students of Grade 2E commenced the week by conducting a class assembly and apprised their friends with the significance of the ‘Wellness’. The assembly comprised of a skit showcasing the importance of not only the physical wellness, but mental and emotional wellness too. Followed by a dance performance on an affirmation song. Later they took a pledge to be mindful of their health. The event concluded with the School Anthem and National Anthem dandiya raasThe Suncitizens of Grade I and II got engaged in ‘Dandiya Raas’ and learnt about the essence and significance of the 'Navratri Festival'. The traditional dance form not only taught the learners about the Indian Culture but also gave them an opportunity to bond with their peers.
MATHStudents were engaged in exploration of 'Addition' and 'Subtraction' through various games like snakes and ladders and worksheets. They connected their understanding of 'Addition' with 'Multiplication' through repeated addition. They enjoyed the activity of pictorial representation of 'Repeated Addition.' Children gained a conceptual understanding of multiplication so they can comprehend ‘why’ and ‘how’ the timetable functions. This helped them to solve complex math in very less time. They enhanced their progressive skills like counting and grouping. The month of September was full of new ideas and building confidence among children where they understood multiplication using different methods. The month continued with recapitulation of the topics done and as a concept closure. Students attempted worksheets and quizzes to evaluate the learning, EVSThe learning journey for this month started with a recapitulation of the topic, ‘Plants’. Further on, the topic- ‘Food’ was introduced by showing various food items to the students using audio-video aids like pictures and videos to make them understand the significance of food in their lives. Students put forth several queries such as “Where does food come from?”, “What are the different kinds of foods and their benefits?”. To explain this further, the educators introduced a ‘Food Grouping activity’, wherein students were asked to identify the food items as per different food groups. The students were sensitized about eating healthy and giving up junk food. They were motivated to eat healthy food and a balanced diet. The concept of 'Raw food and Cooked food' was introduced in the class by showcasing some cooked food items and some raw food ingredients to make the students understand the need of cooking food before eating. They were explained the need and importance of washing raw food properly. The students also brainstormed about good food/ table manners in terms of place, posture, hygiene, usage of cutlery, making sound while eating, etc. by narrating various examples and through a video demonstration. A ‘Millet Mela’ was organized by students wherein the students showcased their millet products and explained the health benefits of consuming millet. Students were also briefed about SDG 12-'Responsible Consumption'. They took a resolution to bring their food wastage to zero levels by taking only the required portion of food on their plate. They expressed their thoughts on this by creating awareness among their classmates on zero wastage of food. Video Links ENGLISHThis month is of great importance to both students and teachers due to the observance of Teacher's Day on September 5th. This occasion is a tribute to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, who served as India's second President. Students took the opportunity to craft sincere and meaningful cards to convey their deep appreciation and affectionate connection with their teachers. Literature- During this month, the students successfully worked through the Unit titled 'Baby Reptiles,' with a strong emphasis on reading, comprehension, glossary, and writing skills. The children eagerly portrayed the Life Cycle of a Frog on coloured sheets. Throughout this period, students were engaged in a process of learning, practicing, and revising, which led to a noticeable improvement in their vocabulary and spelling abilities, which reflected well in the 'Spell Well' sessions. Additionally, students nurtured their reading habits by taking turns reading from the supplementary reader, 'Treasure of Tales', specifically the unit titled 'Work, Work, Work.' Furthermore, creative writing and handwriting practice were integral components of this month's curriculum, serving as effective tools for monitoring and enhancing the students' writing skills. Grammar- An engaging J.A.M. (Just-A-Minute) session was arranged for the students. The children were given a choice among the topics which integrated with the monthly theme - 'Food.' This session enhanced their critical thinking and speaking skills, providing an interactive platform for expression. The concept of helping verbs (is/am/are) was introduced through an activity and interactive worksheets, making the learning experience more interactive and engaging. To review the 'Alphabetical Order' concept, an online game was employed to refresh the students' understanding. Additionally, the concept of 'Singular and Plural' was introduced using real objects within the classroom environment. This was followed by a notebook task designed to solidify their comprehension of the concept. Links: HINDIमास का आरंभ छात्रों को 'सर्वनाम' शब्दों का ज्ञान कराने से किया गया । छात्रों को संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग किए जाने वाले सर्वनाम शब्दों के पूर्व ज्ञान को जानने के उपरांत उसका स्पष्टीकरण देते हुए विडियो की सहायता से अवधारणा को और स्पष्ट किया गया। अभ्यास कार्य कराते हुए छात्रों ने सर्वनाम शब्दों का एक वृक्ष बनाया । छात्रों से उनकी दिनचर्या के विषय में चर्चा करते हुए 'क्रिया' के विषय में समझाया गया । उन्हें अपनी दिनचर्या में किए गए कार्यों को लिपिबद्ध करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया। पुस्तक व कार्यपुस्तिका में अभ्यास कार्य करवाया गया। कहानी में क्रिया को छाँटने का अभ्यास कराया गया। छात्रों को 'शिक्षक दिवस' के विषय में जानकारी प्रदान की गई । पाठ-१६ 'रस भरे फल व ताज़ी सब्जियाँ' का पठन कराते हुए छात्रों को फल व सब्जियों के महत्व से परिचित कराया गया व 'रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता' बढ़ाने हेतु उन्हें फल-सब्जियाँ खाने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया । साथ -साथ भोजन को व्यर्थ न करने एवं जंक फूड को स्वास्थ्यवर्धक भोज्य पदार्थों से प्रतिस्थापित करने को कहा गया । विषय को विज्ञान विषय , स्वास्थ्य एवं सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१२ 'संवहनीय साधनों का उपभोग एवं उत्पादन' से एकीकृत करते हुए गतिविधि कराई गई । छात्रों ने अपने मनपसंद फल अथवा सब्जी का चित्र बनाकर उसका वर्णन किया। छात्रों ने 'हिन्दी दिवस गतिविधि' 'कहानी प्रस्तुतीकरण' में बड़े उत्साह के साथ भाग लिया गया, जिसके अंतर्गत छात्रों ने शून्य भूखमरी व भोजन विषय से संबन्धित कहानी का प्रस्तुतीकरण किया, जिससे उनकी भाषिक योग्यता में वृद्धि हुई । छात्रों को 'वर्ड-वॉल' के द्वारा खेल खिलाते हुए 'विलोम शब्दों ' का परिचय दिया गया व उनके पूर्व ज्ञान की पुनरावृत्ति कराई गई । विलोम शब्दों का अभ्यास-कार्य करते हुए छात्रों के शब्द - भंडार में वृद्धि हुई । संबंधित लिंक - ICTThe students enjoyed learning about the different types of keys on the keyboard. They had fun learning the names of their fingers for typing (pinky finger,ring finger,middle finger, index finger, Thumb)using the keyboard and they also practiced typing using the TUX Typing Software. They also attempted a Quiz on for Revision. LIFE SKILLSThis module focuses on empowering students to gain a sense of autonomy when it comes to their body. Through storytelling and repetition, the concept is showcased through examples in relatable ways. Students were given an introduction to Body, Consent, Boundaries and Respect in an age appropriate manner. Being a boss means that you are the one who helps make decisions and helps others do things. Just like how you sometimes decide which toy to play with or what game to play, a boss helps decide what needs to be done. They also make sure everyone is safe and happy while doing their tasks. Remember, being a boss is about being a good person and taking care of others. PEUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: Speed Skating (racing against the clock or other competitors on an oval or straight track) Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops,Throwing and catching smiley balls and Obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Catching the ball with both hands), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of plastic bat with forward position) , Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Plastic ball handling, basketball throwing, football dribbling, kicking, and juggling, hockey dribbling, and balloon catching Western Dance1. The 5 essential beginning steps for a Classical Jazz Dance: Jazz and Blade hands, Point/ Flex feet, Kick Ball Change, Pivot turn 2. Full body strengthening Warm up routine to keep one more injury free and strong. 3. Body Isolations 4. Students are still discovering how to reveal more confidence and self-value by learning Dance techniques. DANCE FORM: JAZZ SONG: 'BUTTER' by BTS Indian DanceDANCE FORM: Semi-Classical /Kathak SONG: Deva Shree Ganesha The power of Shree Ganesha destroys all our sorrows, enhances our happiness, and creates positivity all around you. Lord Ganesha blesses us with worldly bounties, keeps us protected from obstacles at all times. With this thought, we at Suncity celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with a beautiful Ganesha dance through beautiful postures, shringar ras, mudras and body balancing in Kathak dance style. (Only for Grade II) WESTERN MUSICSong Practised: 'Its a beautiful day' This song is about finding joy in the smallest of things Instrument used: Guitar, Keyboard INDIAN MUSICसितंबर माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र-छात्रों ने प्रार्थना सभा मे कबीर के दोहों का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया गायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग भीमप्लासी परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय ARTStudents made drawings on Indian Festivals like Janamashtami, Ganesh Chaturthi and Gandhi jayanti in which they learnt how to draw the pots , flute, little Ganesha, and a poster on Gandhi Jayanti. Students were made aware of SDG 2: Zero Hunger. They drew Warli Art where they used different shapes to create images related to household work like cooking, grinding, etc. Composition: Warli Art Art Technique: Free hand, colour mixing, colouring, outlining Art tools: Pencil, crayons, scale, oil pastels, pencil colours Learning Outcome: Development of observatory and motor skills, colour blending and fine line drawing. SDG: 2 – Zero Hunger DramaIn the theatre/drama class students get to know about different Body, mind, voice exercise and gaming activity, which was important for introductory form of theatre/Drama for them Activity 1: Act of Uncle Tom & Pee- Ka-Boo poetic performance In these activity students perform the act of uncle Tom in which they involved in action through participation learning. Here in this activity they perform various aspect of body gesture and voice modulation; and similar kind of thing they did with Pee-Ka-Boo act where they get to know about big and small. Activity 2: Knee, Chest, Thumb, Thumb act and Animal postures In these activity students easily understand the action and presentation of an animal like elephant, alligator, Bird, worm, tiger and wolf. They could easily understand the voice projection and body gesture of different animals. Activity 3: Theatre Walk and Circle games of theatre There are many circle games in theatre, so here students get to know about reverse counting and jumping on one leg, one-two-three-four-Quack game, name changing and name calling games. They learned about theatrical walk in the given space. Secret Message millet melaWe have to reboot ourselves by switching to organics and millets.” -Krishna Byre Gowda (Agriculture Minister) Let thy cereal be thy medicine-In an effort to sensitize everyone to the health benefits of millets and to celebrate the ‘International Year of Millets’ (IYM), the Suncitizens of Grade II organized ‘Millet Mela”-A Festival ‘to celebrate the superfood on 11th September 2023. The Mela was inaugurated by our respected Principal Ma’am. The aroma of homemade millet based dishes filled the venue as the students participated enthusiastically in the festival and showcased their knowledge about millet-based dishes. The children helped in spreading awareness about the five famous millets grown in India that included ‘Finger Millets’(Ragi), ‘Fox Millets’(Kangni), ‘Pearl Millets’(Bajra), ‘Kodo Millets’(Kodra) and ‘Barnyard Millets’(Jhangora). The highlights of the event were the diverse range of nutritious, flavourful and innovative dishes such as ‘Ragi Dosa’, ‘Ragi Uttapam’, ‘Fox millet Khichdi’, ‘Pearl Millet Pudding’, ‘Kodo Millet Paniyaram’, ‘Ragi Pancakes’, ‘Bajra Halwa’, ‘Raagi Brownie’, ‘Ragi Laddoos’, ‘Banyard Millet Idli’, ‘Jhangora ki Kheer’, and even a ‘Millet Drink’. These dishes not only tasted delicious, but also had numerous health benefits. During the festival, students had an opportunity to share their ideas with their friends and teachers, creating a sense of appreciation for the rich diversity of millet-based cuisine. It was heartwarming to see our young children proudly presenting their creations to everyone. All in all, the ‘Millet Mela’ was a resounding success, focusing upon the importance of including millets in our diet and contributing towards achieving SDG 3- ‘Good Health and Well Being. SHRAMDAAN“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Under the theme of ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ let’s continue to lead the way in fostering a cleaner, greener and more sustainable India. ‘Shramdaan’ is a way of helping our community and contributing to help and change the environment around us for better. In order to inculcate this value, the students of Grade I and II were encouraged to clean their classrooms. Our little Suncitizens left no stone unturned and cleaned all possible corners and edges of windows and cupboards. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and showcased their commitment for better India. FIELD TRIPHINDI DIWAS“हिन्दी हमारे राष्ट्र की अभिव्यक्ति का सरलतम स्रोत है- सुमित्रानंदन पंत - कुछ ऐसे ही भाव को आत्मसात करते हुए हमारी मातृभाषा ‘हिन्दी’ को १४ सितंबर १९४९ को मान्यता देकर गौरवमयी पद पर आसीन किया गया व ‘हिन्दी दिवस मनाया जाने लगा। ‘हिन्दी दिवस’ के इसी महत्वपूर्ण दिन के उपलक्ष्य में सनसिटी विद्यालय द्वारा कक्षा एक व दो के विद्यार्थियों के लिए ‘वार्षिक विषय– ‘समउत्थानम शक्ति, सतत विकास लक्ष्य-२ शून्य भूखमरी तथा मासिक विषय-भोजन’ से एकीकृत करते हुए कुछ गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया जिसमें विद्यालय के शत प्रतिशत विद्यार्थियों ने सहर्ष भाग लिया। इस अवसर पर जहाँ एक ओर कक्षा एक के विद्यार्थियों ने फलों व शाक -सब्जियों से संबंधित स्वरचित कविताओं की रंग-बिरंगी सहायक सामग्री द्वारा मधुर प्रस्तुति दी वहीं दूसरी ओर कक्षा दो के छात्रों ने हर्षौल्लास के साथ ‘शून्य भुखमरी’ के लक्ष्य को केन्द्रीकृत करते हुए स्वरचित कहानियों का शानदार प्रस्तुतिकरण किया। विभिन्न गतिविधियों में भाग लेकर छात्रों के भाषिक ज्ञान में वृद्धि तो हुई ही, साथ ही साथ उन्होंने हिन्दी भाषा की सुंदरता व महत्व से परिचित होते हुए हिन्दी के प्रति अपने प्रेम को प्रकट भी किया। ASSEMBLIESIIATo mark the celebration of our National Language "Hindi" special assembly was conducted on 15Sep'23 by our tiny tots of grade 2A were they begin the occasion through Hindi prayer followed by National , International and sports news in Hindi only. Then children presented a small skit through which they stressed upon respecting and speaking Hindi. Children even showcased a small 'nukkad natak 'and 'hasya Kavita , Moreover it was a fulfilled session. IIBCLASS ASSEMBLY IIB – I AM COMPASSION Compassion is a necessity not a luxury. Without them humanity cannot survive- Dalai Lama The students of Grade II B joined hands together to put forward a an assembly on a very important quality that makes our world a better place I AM COMPASSION on 22 September 2023. Each and every student participated with bubbling excitement and energy.The assembly started by seeking the blessings of Almighty and the students recited Gayatri Mantra and prayer. This was followed by updates of national , international ,sports , weather and school news .The students next enriched our vocabulary by telling us the meaning of the word COMPASSION. Compassion is all about caring for others and showing kindness followed by the thought which is a quote by Dalai Lama- “Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering.”The vivacious students brought a spark in introduction about the assembly topic and started with the role play and kept everyone spell bound. The scene opened with the students showing us gratitude , kindness , empathy , love , help and bringing smile to people around through a human chain, where they passed on the compassion to each other through their action like helping the old man carrying his bag, giving a toy to a girl weeping for a broken toy , helping a student in believing herself that she can learn and by being their for an old woman who was sad being lonely. The chain further told “ COMPASSION IS AN ACTION WORD!” There was small poem that was also recited by children on compassion. Children further asked quiz to the students present in assembly.The assembly was concluded by sharing some words of wisdom by our dear academic head Jayshree Ma’am who was full of praise for them. The assembly concluded with Sachool Anthem followed by National Anthem. IICSomeone had once remarked – “It would be hard for the coming generations to believe that there once lived a saint, in flesh and blood, who won freedom for his country by sheer non-violence.”
This saint was none other than the ‘Father of the Nation’ – Mahatma Gandhi, whose principles swept the world. A Special Assembly was conducted by the enthusiastic learners of Grade II C on the occasion of ‘Gandhi Jayanti.’ It started with a serene prayer wherein learners sang the bhajan, ‘Raghupati Raghav Rajaram’ to pay tribute to the greatest son of ‘Mother India.’ The learners underscored their views about Mahatma Gandhi’s life and shed light on the principles he practiced, like non-violence, truthfulness, simplicity, self-discipline and courage. Through the assembly, the students urged their peers to inculcate these principles in their daily routine and be responsible citizens. A role play was exhibited which emphasized the famous saying of Mahatma Gandhi ji – “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” It was a gentle reminder for all to reflect upon the fact that problems can be resolved without fighting or hurting others. This was followed by an exemplary dance performance based on the theme ‘Satyamava Jayate.’ It was wonderful to watch the learners dance with gaiety and confidence. The assembly concluded with a quiz focusing on Gandhiji’s life and principles. Our Principal, Ms Guneet Ohri Ma’am addressed the learners, appreciating them all for presenting an enthralling and informative assembly. This further concluded with, everyone singing the ‘School Anthem’ followed by the ‘National Anthem.’ mathThe month commenced with a recapitulation activity based on the concept of 'Addition' in which the scene of a restaurant was created and students ordered different food items. They added the price of ordered items and strengthened the concept of addition. They developed number-sense and fluency with operations. Students practiced, breaking down numbers into tens and ones, using a variety of manipulatives, tools, and math games to develop area in mathematics. They used different ways to represent 'Addition' and 'Subtraction' concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. It was remarkable to see them working on subtraction using realistic examples. The month of August was full of new ideas and building confidence among children where they exhibited their understanding on 'Shapes' during Parent walk-in. The month continued with recapitulation of the topics done and as a concept closure and evaluation of the learning, students attempted worksheets and quizzes. evsThe learning journey for this month started with several questions on situations given to the students to test their pre-knowledge of the topic-' The World of Plants'. The topic was introduced with a nature walk and the students were made aware of the existence of living beings on the earth. The students learnt about various things through demonstrations of parts of a plant, its functions, types of plants, photosynthesis and the importance of plants for all living creatures. The students were able to understand the concept of germination and its various stages through a ‘Seed Germination Activity’ in the school garden. The topic was integrated with SDG 15 ‘Life on Land’. The topic was taken forward with an activity where the young learners were asked to bring a few plant products available in their homes to showcase the ‘Usefulness of Trees’. Going forward, integrating the topic with SDG 13 ‘Climate Action’, the learners were made aware of the changes in the climate due to deforestation. The topic was concluded with an activity wherein the students made beautiful posters on ‘Conservation of Trees’ with slogans to create awareness among the people. Video Links- ictThe students were able to understand the concepts of Operating a Computer - how to switch on and shut down a computer. what is a window, program, re-sizing the window. They practically applied the concepts during their Lab Sessions. They enjoyed typing their favourite story on the 'Wordpad' and then saving it and applying the controls. englishLiterature: The students completed a unit on 'A Book Cover' with a focus on reading. 'Amazing Words' and comprehension were done in the notebook. Grade II students engaged in practical-based learning by creating book covers based on the information learnt in the unit. They also added titles and publisher names, turning into authors themselves. Handwriting skills were practiced, and students wrote interesting facts about animals to hone their handwriting skills. Grammar: The students learnt about 'Adjectives' and applied them in forming meaningful sentences. The children enjoyed an activity called 'Describing a Monster' involved brainstorming words to describe a monster and giving it a name, integrating visual-spatial skills. The concept of 'Comparison of Adjectives' was introduced by comparing real objects in the classroom. Previous grammar concepts like 'Naming Words' and 'Articles' were recapitulated to reinforce learning from previous months. Reading Skills: A Treasure Of Tales Reading of Unit 1, titled 'Digging for Treasure', aimed to enhance reading skills and foster interest in reading among the children. The integration of different subjects and practical applications provided a well-rounded educational experience for the students. Links- hindiइस मास का आरंभ आने वाले त्योहारों पर चर्चा करते हुए किया गया l भाई बहन के अनोखे प्यार के प्रतीक रक्षा बंधन के त्योहार पर चर्चा की गई l पाठ –‘राखी का त्योहार' के माध्यम से रक्षा बंधन के पावन पर्व के विषय में चर्चा की गई, इस बारे में वीडियो द्वारा जानकारी भी दी गई |पाठ का पठन कराया गया व छात्रों से बीच -बीच में मौखिक प्रश्न पूछे गए जिससे छात्रों में पाठ की समझ का निर्माण हुआ l पाठ का अभ्यास कार्य कराते हुए छात्रों को राखी कार्ड व धन्यवाद वाला राखी कार्ड बनाने का गृहकार्य दिया गया जिससे छात्रों में अपनी भावनाओं को मूर्त रूप देने की कला का विकास भी हुआ l इस गतिविधि के द्वारा भाई बहन के बीच अटूट स्नेह की प्रबल भावना का विकास हुआ lसच्चे मित्र के गुण क्या होते हैं और हम किसे सच्चा मित्र कह सकते हैं इसके विषय में चर्चा की गई व विश्व प्रसिद्ध मित्र जोड़ी कृष्ण- सुदामा की विडिओ दिखाई गईl तत्पश्चात 'पाठ – ‘कृष्ण सुदामा’ का पठन कराया गया l भगवान श्रीकृष्ण से संबंधित मुरली और मुकुट बनाने का विडिओ भी दिखाया गया जिससे छात्र मुकुट मुरली बनाकर उन्हें धारण कर स्वयं को सजाकर त्योहार का आनंद ले सकें व उनमें त्योहारों के प्रति सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण का विकास हो l पाठ का पठन करते हुए अभ्यास कार्य कराया गया l छात्रों ने पेरेंट वॉक इन के अंतर्गत संज्ञा विषय को नुक्कड़ नाटक के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया । सभी छात्रों ने बहुत ही शानदार प्रस्तुति दी । छात्रों को सर्वनाम का भी परिचय दिया गया । कक्षा में छात्रों को सर्वनाम का पेड़ नामक गतिविधि भी करवाई गई । छात्रों को सर्वनाम का पुस्तकीय अभ्यास व कार्य पुस्तिका में भी करवाया गया । छात्रों ने संज्ञा की पुनरावृति के अंतर्गत जंगल की सैर नामक गतिवधि के अंदर जानवरों के मुखौटे बनाए व उनके विषय में प्रस्तुतीकरण भी दिया । PEUnder the guidance of their respective teachers/ coaches, students learnt: Skating: Speed Skating (racing against the clock or other competitors on an oval or straight track) Gymnastics: Basic floor exercises and balancing beam activities, involving a combination of forward roll, backward roll, handstand and artistic exercise, walking and balancing on the beam. Judo: Ushiro Ukemi (Backward fall), Mae Ukemi (Forward fall) Non Locomotor Skills: Stability or body management skills like stretching, twisting, galloping, one leg balance, plank, pushing, pulling, ending with lead up activities like stone paper scissors game with hula-hoops,Throwing and catching smiley balls and Obstacle races. Striking Skills: Eye hand co-ordination game (Catching the ball with both hands), Body Co-ordination Game (Follow through of plastic bat with forward position) , Action to reaction Game (Ball hitting with Bat), ending with some competitive lead up games like dog and the bone, relay races, ice and water and in and out game. Manipulation skills: Plastic ball handling, basketball throwing, football dribbling, kicking, and juggling, hockey dribbling, and balloon catching western danceMay the festive vibes of Onam inspire you to embrace the goodness of life, share your blessings, and create beautiful memories with those you cherish. The new choreography started with the enthusiastic Onam dance on the occasion of Onam. Using the contemporary tools and feeling of hasya ras, students learnt an energetic South Indian folk dance. Contemporary tools give students the scope to push themselves to build their flexibility and it is one of the best calisthenic exercise. Patriotic choreography was an amalgamation of contemporary movement and folk authentic using vocals as the secondary tool. The choreography was done in modern style keeping the essence of Tollywood intact. indian danceThe right way to celebrate the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami is to embrace and follow the teachings of lord Krishna from Bhagwat Geeta. The power of Shree Krishna destroys all your sorrows, enhances your happiness, and creates goodness all around. With this thought, in August students learnt a beautiful Krishna Vandana on the song - "Shri Krishna govinda" in Kathak style along with beautiful postures, mudras and body balancing. indian musicअगस्त माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: चयनित छात्र-छात्रों ने पेरन्ट वाक-इन मे राग सारंग का प्रदर्शन विभिन वाद्यों (हारमोनियम , तबला ,बांगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा एवं ढपली ) के साथ किया गायन अभ्यास : अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल : सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग सारंग परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य : तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक : गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य : कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय western musicSong practised: "Parts of a Plant" integrated with SDG 15: Life on Land Instrument used/ taught: Drum artChildren practiced beautiful land and water animals like peacock, pig, deer, jungle scene and aquatic scene etc. However, they created it beautifully for their parent walkin. Children also created beautiful flowers (monthly theme plants) in garden scene and flower pot. stemThe children demonstrated STEM activities, One of which involved Creating A Volcano- For this experiment, they used a glass beaker into which they placed 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda and added a drop of coloring. Afterward, they poured a small cup of vinegar, resulting in an exciting eruption that formed a homemade volcano. Make A Parachute- In this project, the students designed their own parachutes using a small paper cup and a plastic grocery bag. They thoroughly enjoyed this activity and spent the entire day playing with their parachutes. parent walk - in‘’The most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvements of parents". -Jane D. Hull Our efficient students of Grades II astonished their parents with their marvellous executions in the ‘Parent Walk-in’ organised from 16 th to 23 rd August 2023. Brimming with excitement and enthusiasm, the students gave a mellifluent start to the morning through the enthralling musical performance. The young minds displayed the integration of the subjects and the integrative approach to different subjects through the theme ‘The world of Animals’. The students were suited well to become educators and got their parents as their pupils. It was a flipping of roles, through which the students shared the classroom learning with their parents and simultaneously honed their communication and presentation skills. The enthralling performance of the children, confirmed their progression in scholastic and co-scholastic learning. An exhibition based on ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘Problem Solving’ was put up by the students which was a part of the project-based learning educational model. The students made the model based on any story of their choice and found the solution to the problem in that story. Students brought innovative solutions to life, based on how real users feel, think and behave. Students used a creative and systematic approach to teach problem- solving and progressed through the stages of Discovery, Ideation, Experimentation, and Evolution in search of innovative solutions to vexing problems. The program concluded with applause and appreciation from the parents, which was further reflected in the feedback shared by them after the program. independence dayThe month of August brings with it the spirit of patriotic fervour as it is all about talking to our children and instilling in them a deep love for our country. To showcase their patriotism, Grade II children participated in the Show & Tell Activity in which they were dressed up as a Freedom fighter and spoke few lines about the same. They also crafted a beautiful Tricolour cap on the occassion of Independence Day. Fine motor skillsENGLISH I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of the school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings. -Jenny Han Literature Students of grade II had an engaging and productive time during their Unit on 'Little Red Riding Hood' and their exploration of grammar concepts. In the Unit related to 'Little Red Riding Hood,' the students focused on reading, comprehension, glossary, and writing skills. The medium of storytelling was used to help students understand different story elements- Beginning, Middle and End of the story. Additionally, they learned to write one of the elements of the story by themselves. Through a Design Thinking task, the students were encouraged to think innovatively and design something to help the main character, Little Red Riding Hood, find a solution to the problem in the story. The students came up with creative ideas like a mud house for Little Red Riding Hood, For the story 'Thirsty Crow' the recycle pot and pebbles were used, the story of 'Rapunzel' was depicted, her long hair was made with the help of wool and the stairs were made out of cardboard and so on.. They even put their ideas into action by creating the first draft of their designs. A "Bagless Day" was held, and the youngsters were invited to make the paper basket that Little Red Riding Hood loved so much. They eagerly embellished their baskets. Grammar Homophones can be a tricky concept for students to grasp, as they involve words that sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings. The interactive nature made the learning experience enjoyable and memorable. Moreover, they were introduced to tips and tricks for adding endings such as -ing, -er, and -ed to words, which likely helped them improve their understanding of grammar rules. Further, recap of articles was done by having students pick up objects and identify them, that incorporated a tactile element into the learning process. This kinesthetic approach can enhance memory and understanding. Linking the object identification to selecting the appropriate article for the word is a clever way to review articles while connecting it to real-life objects. This activity encourages critical thinking and reinforces the correct use of articles in sentences. Overall, it sounds like the students had an enriching and enjoyable learning experience, incorporating storytelling, creativity, and hands-on activities to enhance their reading, comprehension, writing, and grammar skills. English Talking Book Hindi मास का आरंभ विद्यार्थियों का स्वागत करते हुए व उन्होंने ग्रीष्म अवकाश कैसे व्यतीत किया, उस पर चर्चा करते हुए किया गया l मनोरंजन व ज्ञान वृद्धि करने हेतु पहेलियाँ पूछकर मात्राओं की पुनरावृत्ति करवाई गई l पाठ -'विनी ने लिखी नानी को चिट्ठी' के माध्यम से किस प्रकार डाकिया पत्र को ले जाकर अन्य स्थान तक पहुँचाता है, इस बारे में वीडियो द्वारा जानकारी दी गई | छात्रों को पत्र की गतिविधि के द्वारा पत्र का प्रारूप दिखाकर उस पर अपना तथा भेजने वाले का पता लिखने का स्थान बताते हुए उन्हें अपने किसी प्रिय को एक छोटा पत्र लिखना भी सिखाया गया l पाठ का पठन कराकर पुस्तकीय अभ्यास कराया गया एवं प्रश्न उत्तर चर्चा के पश्चात लिखवाए गए l छात्रों को पाठ – ‘सबसे तेज कौन’ पढ़वाया गया व विभिन्न जानवरों की विशेषताओं पर चर्चा की गई l कला तथा विज्ञान विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए जीवों की सुरक्षा के साथ जोड़ते हुए जानवरों के चित्रों में रंग भरने एवं उनकी कोई दो विशेषताएँ लिखने के लिए छात्रों को कार्य पत्र दिया गया l पहेलियाँ बूझकर छात्रों से विभिन्न वस्तुओं , व्यक्तियों , स्थानों , प्राणियों के विषय में जानकारी ली गई एवं छात्रों को संज्ञा शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी दी गई l विद्यालय भ्रमण के द्वारा अपने आस पास के वातावरण में संज्ञा शब्दों की पहचान करना सिखाया गया l संज्ञा के कार्यपत्र द्वारा संज्ञा की समझ और पहचान में वृद्धि कराई गई l ‘कहाँ चले जंगल के राजा' पाठ को कला तथा विज्ञान विषय से एकीकृत करते हुए सतत विकास लक्ष्य -१५ थलीय जीवों की सुरक्षा के साथ जोड़ते हुए छात्रों को विभिन्न थलीय जानवरों के मुखौटे बनवाए गए | Math The month was started with students refreshing their prior knowledge on addition through different learning engagements. Further, their understanding on addition was enhanced by practicing breaking down numbers into hundreds, tens and ones using a variety of manipulatives, tools, and math games. They used different ways to represent addition concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. It was remarkable to see them working on 'Story Sums' which connected them to real-life situations. They participated in all mental math lessons with great enthusiasm. They also had hands-on-experience on 'Shin Education Program'. Students were able to understand and recognize different shapes. They were able to sort shapes into categories based on their attributes. They learnt different 2D and 3D shapes. They also enjoyed tangram shapes activity wherein they learnt to make different animals and birds using different shapes. EVS On returning after an exciting summer break, our little scholars enthusiastically shared their holiday experiences in the class. The learning journey started with a recapitulation of the topic- ‘Family’. They understood the value and importance of family in their lives. In order to make the students connect to the ‘Virtue of Help’, the educator asked them to share 'How they help at Home?' The upcoming topic ‘Animals’ was introduced with the help of a 'Jigsaw Puzzle', which the students loved to solve. They learnt about the physical features of animals using the SEE- THINK-WONDER strategy. They added to their knowledge by learning new and interesting facts about animals around them. Animals and their young ones were discussed with the students. An activity of ‘Guess the Animal Sound’ was played with the children. 'Animal Habitat and Homes' were discussed with the help of a video and PowerPoint presentation. The students learnt about the importance of the conservation of animals and made beautiful posters using their own imagination. Students learning about animals is ongoing as the animal world is amazing! Video Links: ICT The students were able to understand the cycle on which the computer works. They enjoyed learning about Input, Process and Output. They had fun while playing the games on GCompris related to Mouse and keyboard and brain games. PE Skating: Walking on skates, sliding and balancing, and balancing on each leg Gymnastics: Basic gymnastics terminology Judo: Forward roll, backward roll Locomotor Skills: Walking, running, jumping, skipping and hopping Striking Skills: Kick the cup / cones, foot dribbling and dribbling football between zig-zag INDIAN MUSIC जुलाई माह में छात्र छात्राओं द्वारा की गई गतिविधिया: गायन अभ्यास: अलंकार , बैलून ब्रीथिंग , सरे गामा हैंड मूवमेंट संगीत ४ आल: सरगम स्टापू , राग ताला परिचय कहानी के माध्यम से , तीन ताल परिचय , तबला बोल गीत , राग समूह , राग सारंग परिचय आरोह अवरोह बंदिश प्रयोग हुए वाद्य: तानपूरा ऑडियो ट्रैक गायन तकनीक: गायन के अभ्यास की बुनियादी तकनीक , गीत के माध्यम से तत वाद्यों का संक्षिप्त परिचय वाद्य - कांगो , बोंगो , शेकर्स , स्क्रेपर , घुंगरू , मंजीरा , ढपली एवं तबला का प्रारंभिक परिचय Western Music Students sang "You raise me up" in unison with different pitches. Transposing in sharps and keys of flat with rhythmic patterns of key signature and time signature Indian Dance “Everybody is talented because everybody who is human has something to express.” Nine Emotions included in Navarasa are Shringara (love), Hasya(laughter), Karuna(kind-heartedness or compassion), Raudra (anger), Veera (courage), Bhayanak (terror), Veebhatsya (disgust), Adbutha (surprise) and Shanta (peace or tranquility). Students enjoyed learning "Navras-Nine emotions". They also practised patriotic dance moves on "Bharat humko jaan se pyaara hai". Western Dance We salute the brave soldiers who protect our nation’s freedom with their courage and dedication. The new choreography started with the enthusiastic patriotic dance on the occasion of independence day. Using the contemporary tools and feeling of veer ras, students learnt a patriotic dance. Contemporary tools give students the scope to push themselves to build their flexibility and it is one of the best callisthenic exercise. Patriotic choreography was an amalgamation of movement and theatre using vocals as the secondary tool . The choreography was done in modern style keeping the essence of patriotism intact. Visual Arts Students created beautiful water animals like different colored fishes and octopus. Out of the land animals they drew lion, and imaginary unicorn, etc. Students of grade2 created beautiful water and land animals for the Parent Walk-in display, for which they practiced frog, pig and peacock. Assemblies II D One of the greatest title in the world is parent and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call Mom and Dad.' - Jim DeMint Students of Suncity 37D celebrated "International Parent's day" to acknowledge the contribution of parents in their children's lives. The suncitizens of Grade 2 -D learnt and appreciated the hard work of parents that goes into raising a child. They also learnt the importance of the day and were made aware about the special bond of love and care between parents and their children. by the role play Superdad and Supermom. They also shared special memories with their parents through video presentation. Each student had prepared a special handmade card for their teachers as they act as second parents. They expressed their gratitude towards their parents by performing a dance on Thank You song. The assembly concluded with a heartwarming note from the principal, expressing gratitude to all the parents for their continuous love and dedication. The teachers were also acknowledged for their vital role in their children's growth and development. II C A general assembly on ‘Van Mahotsav- The Festival of Trees’ was conducted by Grade IIC on 14.7.23 in the school gymnasium with the motto to spread the message of Importance of Tree Plantation. A beginning with an insightful thought on Environment, followed by news update. They also delivered an informative and thought on ‘Significance of Van Mahotsav’ To convey the message in a more realistic and effective manner. A riveting quiz time on parts f trees. Jayashree ma’am encouraged the students to take a pledge to save environment, conserve water and also plant a tree on their birthday. The program culminated by the rendition of the National Anthem. II E Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright, in the forest of the night, what immortal hand or eye, dare frame thy fearful symmetry. - William Blake To commemorate the twelfth ‘International Tiger Day’ and to promote awareness, conservation and expansion of wild tiger habitats, the students of class II presented a spectacular assembly. The presentation began with prayer and news updates, followed by informative insight, revealing the plight of our national animal. SDG 15 and the conservation of wildlife and its importance in protecting the Tiger conservation programme was highlighted throughout the assembly. Thereafter the children concluded by taking pledges on the ‘Save the Tigers, Save the Earth’ slogan. The little wonders left everyone spellbound by their presentation skills. The assembly culminated with the Principal, Ms Guneet Ohri’s words of wisdom. Movie Outing An educational field trip was planned for the children, combining the SDG15 (Life on Land) with the monthly theme of Animals. Integrating movies and interactive activities is an excellent way to engage young minds and foster their interest in important topics. SDG14 - Life on Land focuses on protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, promoting sustainable land use, and conserving biodiversity. By incorporating this goal into the field trip, the children had the opportunity to learn about the importance of preserving wildlife and their natural habitats. Using the movie "Lyle Lyle Crocodile" was an appropriate choice as it likely highlighted themes related to animals and their interactions with the environment. The children enjoyed watching the movie and learning about the adventures of the crocodile character. The movie review activity is a fantastic way to encourage critical thinking and communication skills. By actively participating and sharing their thoughts and opinions, the children were able to process the movie's content and relate it to the theme of animals. Field trips have multiple benefits. They not only provide a break from the regular classroom routine but also offer practical and engaging learning experiences for the children. It helped the children to connect what they learn in school to real-world situations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the topics discussed. Overall, this field trip have been a great success in terms of educating the children about SDG 14, the importance of preserving life on land, and fostering their interest in animals. life Skill Activity - T shirt folding |
class teachersSumeet Kaur- II A Archives
September 2024